24–26 Sept 2014
CWI Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Using OpenConext for service delivery platforms

25 Sept 2014, 17:00
Turingzaal (CWI Conference Centre)


CWI Conference Centre


Pieter van der Meulen (SURFnet)


The goal of OpenConext is to make collaboration easier in Research and Education, by letting users: - Use their own favorite tools as much as possible. - Re-use their credentials (username/password) for every tool they use. - Create their own collaboration groups and re-use those for every tool as well. - Have a 'collaboration home'. OpenConext is a middleware suite, combining Federated Identity Management, federated groups, portals and distributed applications to deliver services. SURFnet, the Dutch NREN, developed the OpenConext software and released it as Open Source in 2012, aiming at creating a successful international Open Source project. Since then, several international organisations have picked up OpenConext to deploy their own platforms. This presentation will detail how OpenConext is useful for the research community (features and use), the OpenConext roadmap and how the community can participate in this initiative. OpenConext is open for collaboration! https://www.openconext.org/

Primary author

Mr Niels van Dijk (SURFnet)


Mr Alexander Blanc (SURFnet) Frans Ward (SURFnet)

Presentation materials