EGI-GEANT Symposium: Technology
- Enol Fernandez (CSIC)
Alysson Bessani
(University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences)
26/09/2014, 09:25
During the last years several cloud-of-clouds (or multi-cloud) storage systems have been proposed with the objective of minimizing trust on cloud providers, decreasing costs and improving performance [RACS, DepSky]. Such systems range from archival storage [RACS], object stores [DepSky], key-value stores [SPANStore] and even full-fledged file systems [SCFS].
In this talk we will present...
Kostas Kagkelidis
26/09/2014, 10:05
In the context of the ARGO framework (initially the A/R EGI funded mini project) our team at AUTH (being part of a larger consortium formed by GRNET, SCRE and CNRS) has developed and deployed the A/R core compute engine, which uses Big Data tools for the processing of the incoming monitoring data on top of virtualised resources. The current production instance is deployed on ~okeanos (GRNET’s...