Fernando Aguilar
Jesus Marco de Lucas
The different components and a workflow platform to support a FreshWater VRE for the LifeWatch ESFRI will be presented.
The VRE is based on cloud resources to support processing of data from different sources of information.
A detailed analysis of the components required to monitor and model a water body (like a lake) will be presented.
An overview of different related initiatives that can be integrated under this framework, and of new challenges that need to be addressed, will be also presented.
Links, references, publications, etc.
A Case Study in the context of FreshWater Biodiversity LifeWatch Alien Species Workshop, Bari, July 2015
The role of e-Infrastructures: Linking biodiversity and ecosystems through the deployment of new water quality technologies in river basins". Proceedings of the 4th SCARCE CONSOLIDER International Conference on "Assessing and predicting effects on water quantity and quality in Iberian rivers caused by global change 2009-2014"
Primary author
Jesus Marco de Lucas
Agustin Monteoliva
Fernando Aguilar
Juan Miguel Gonzalez Aranda