10–13 Nov 2015
Villa Romanazzi Carducci
Europe/Rome timezone


Current status and evolution of the EGI AAI

12 Nov 2015, 09:00
Villa Romanazzi Carducci

Villa Romanazzi Carducci

Via G. Capruzzi, 326 70124 Bari Italy


Current status and evolution of the EGI AAI

  • Peter Solagna (EGI.eu)


EGI is serving many user communities, distributed collaborations, international virtual organizations, providing them a portfolio of federated services. Federated authentication and authorization is a critical capability that is needed to be productive in such a diverse landscape of use cases and service providers.
This session is a follow up to the AAI session that took place at the EGI Conference in Lisbon in May 2015 and will include presentations on the current state of the art of the e-infrastructures, in terms of AAI solutions, and their evolution.
Attending this session, EGI and the participating scientific communities will be able to discuss the evolution of the AAI landscape in Europe and how EGI enables user communities to overcome barriers and collaborate securely on top of EGI e-Infrastructure. As part of this session, EGI will present the initial outcomes from the adaption of federated access by EGI services and tools.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Christos Kanellopoulos (GRNET)
12/11/2015, 09:00
Building timetable...