The EGI Federated Cloud - The word to the users: showcasing the fedcloud use cases
- Diego Scardaci (
In this session, the EGI Federated Cloud use cases will be showcased. Relevant production applications and pilots will be invited to demonstrate both the multidisciplinary of the FedCloud and the different usage models enabled. Researchers will describe their experience with the FedCloud highlighting how this infrastructure is helping them and what new features they have in their wish list.
This session will help EGI to provide a service that better fits the users needs. Indeed, the requirements that will be collected during this session will be further examined by the EGI Federated Cloud task force and included in the EGI technology roadmap when considered of general interest.
Alessandro Spinuso
Andre Gemuend
10/11/2015, 11:10
The EPOS Competence Center will focus its effort on the analysis and the prototypal implementation of a number of use cases, which are crucial for the realisation of the EPOS Research Infrastructure. These uses cases will span across different scenarios, such as the adoption of a scalable AAI and the integration of computational and Cloud Services, to support existing and yet to come...
Ignacio Blanquer
Peter Solagna
10/11/2015, 11:25
The INDIGO project solutions will support several Research Communities with demanding and complex applications.
A detailed analysis of the requirements to be supported has been prepared on the basis of Case Studies following a template where the Communities can describe their needs through User Stories, and where their specific Data Management needs are also considered.
The experience and...
Afonso Duarte
10/11/2015, 11:40
Cells interact with their surroundings via molecular transporters located in the cellular membrane. These transporters are fundamental for the uptake of nutrients and release of toxic compounds and its malfunction has been correlated with different diseases.
Over the last five decades great advances have been taken in understanding the mechanism behind ions and solutes transport. A key tool...
Alexandru Nicolin
Mihaela Carina Raportaru
10/11/2015, 11:55
We overview a series of results on transport and nonlinear phenomena in mesoscopic quantum systems with focus on the use of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensed gases and the Boltzmann-Vlasov equation for transport phenomena in nuclear matter. Our results on the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) focus on the emergence of density waves through...
Daniel Harezlak
10/11/2015, 12:10
This paper presents an approach to rapid and lightweight development of scientific applications running on high performance computing resources,which resulted in a platform facilitating access to grid resources and handling the entire web application deployment pipeline. Usage of available web frameworks enables purely browser-side programming and frees application developers from any...