10–13 Nov 2015
Villa Romanazzi Carducci
Europe/Rome timezone


Cross-border service procurement

10 Nov 2015, 11:00
Villa Romanazzi Carducci

Villa Romanazzi Carducci

Via G. Capruzzi, 326 70124 Bari Italy


Cross-border service procurement

  • David Foster (CERN)


With e-Infrastructures evolving towards service-oriented provision with on-demand allocation and pay-for-use capabilities, there is an opportunity for analysing and revising the procurement process for e-Infrastructure services. Currently publicly funded resource providers and their users lack the knowledge and mechanisms to collectively bid within a public procurement process. The goal of this activity is to analyse opportunities and barriers for cross-border procurement of e-Infrastructure services and to identify best practices that could enable RIs or large research collaborations to acquire services to support their research agenda collectively. A number of RIs and infrastructure providers will contribute to the analysis and documentation of use cases. A final report will be produced identifying opportunities, barriers, use cases and best practices. The report will be disseminated to relevant authorities at national and international level, including those involved in structural funding, and feedback will be collected. The activity will be led by CERN with the contribution of INGV (representing EPOS), CSIC (representing LifeWatch), BBMRI-ERIC, RBI (representing DARIAH) and EGI.eu (representing EGI and liaising with the NGIs).

Presentation materials

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