T3.4 and WP4 bi-weekly meeting

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. Boro, Ajanovski UKIM
. Tiziana, Sy, Malgorzata, Gergely, Giuseppe
. Yuri

A1. Meeting this week. Different scenarios discussed with different protocols. Two use cases on data management (body on knowledge inventory material to be registered in the system or uplaoded depending on the agreement of the owners). Media objects can be integrated with OAI-MPH, agreements for usage of materials needs to be established. WP2 (Thomas) is developing an inventory. MATTHIAS/ANDREA: GET IN TOUCH WITH CHAMPIONS and collect IPR and data management requirements. NEW ACTION A8 and A9.

A2. Carlo: see agenda

A4. Boro: see agenda

A5. The project agrees to proceed to have a CRM. One univeristy could be contractor for getting a discount (SalesForce), open source solutions? Matthias:contact relationship management system may be more suitable. This solution could be offered by FTK with the online platform. Information confidentiality and compliance to H2020 rules to be considred. ==> the action is moved to WP1 and will be followed up at the project management board level.  CLOSED

A6. Presentation was circulated. CLOSED

A7. Info about accreditation agencies. Process ongoing.


A8 (ANDREA, GIULIA) to get in touch with T2.2 to get in touch to define the metadata requirements for collection of materials needed for the population of the EOEE

Online content needs to be linked (task 3.2), 2.2 Inventory: only partial info is being collected to online courses, not all info allow easy integration ==> clarify what is needed in 2.2. More information is needed about the courses (most of these are residential so far, but the EOEE will not benefit from this).
The ToR of the champions should mention that online material information should be provided.

A9 (ANDREA) Clarify ToR of Chapions

A10. Complete requirements gathering

Overview and discussion of training marketplace architecture

The community portal should be a legacy to be sustained after the project. A community portal is needed. A lot of new features are needed: 
. content
. virtual laboratories, data, computing
. consumption of the content by people who are trained. Demand and supply

gCUBE is integrated with liferay with portlets. How costly it is to reuse it for our marketplace?
Andrea: portlet model is better than the drupal refrence points 

Boro. The gCUBE integration with fed cloud is supposed to be completed in February
The architecture remains open. Chapter 3 of the document (integration elements) and SSO need refinement.

EOEE Interview protocol for requirements gathering (supply and demand)
See slides

Next steps:
. perform other interviews addressing the supply side
. continue with the definition of the personas

Training scheme
Sy presents the approaches for designing the training and certification schemes. A complete presentation will be provided at the next EDISON phone meeting.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:30 09:45
      Action review 15m
      A1. Boro/Matthias to contact champions on data management requirements for registering/uploading content in the EOEE (on hold, waiting the champions programme to be rollout out) A2. Carlo to develop the EOEE interview programme and roll it out, including the collection of requirements on data management from the supply side A4. Boro to finalize training marketplace architecture A5. Tiziana to request the PMB for the adoption of a CRM solution (NEW) A6. Carlo to circulate the presentation (under revision) from last WP3.4 meeting. (NEW) A7. Matthias to provide links to Accreditation agencies to Carlo (Switzerland, UK, and possibly IT) in some countries.
    • 09:45 10:15
      Overview and discussion of training marketplace architecture 30m
      Speaker: Boro Jakimovski (UKIM)
    • 10:15 10:35
      EOEE Interview protocol for requirements gathering (supply and demand) 20m
      Speaker: Carlo Riccucci (ENGINEERING)
    • 10:35 10:55
      Training scheme 20m
      Speakers: Malgorzata Krakowian (EGI.eu), Sy Holsinger (EGI.eu)