T3.4 and WP4 bi-weekly meeting

ACTIONS A01. MATTHIAS/ANDREA: get in touch with champions and collect IPR and data management requirements. A05 CRM. Action closed, and moved to PM meetings A07. Matthias to provide links to Accreditation agencies to Carlo (Switzerland, UK, and possibly IT) in some countries. A08. (ANDREA, GIULIA) to get in touch with T2.2 to get in touch to define the metadata requirements for collection of materials needed for the population of the EOEE A09 (ANDREA) Clarify ToR of Champions to make sure they will provide information for online material A10 (Tiziana) Find out more about gCUBE support channels and sustainability from CNR
Join via Webex (passwd: 2016)
Gergely, Tiziana (minute taker), Giuseppe, Mal, Sy/EGI.eu


A01. MATTHIAS/ANDREA: get in touch with champions and collect IPR and data management requirements. 
--> no progress

A05 CRM. Action closed, and moved to PM meetings
--> two open source CRM systems tested by Boro, vtiger and sugarCRM, the first is more resourceful and provides a rich set of modules. SugarCRM is open source only in versions 0.6 (still maintained), while 0.7 is not open source.
Holger: interoperability and capability to export data is important. Boro export in CSV format possible
Boro: Discussion at the last project management board. Steve will collect CRM requirements across the project activities. Uni of Southampton could also offer various systems.
Boro's test instances are available at:

- for vTiger 
- for ShugarCRM 

Gergely and UCST are tasked at EGI.eu to test the two products (A11)

A07. Matthias to provide links to Accreditation agencies to Carlo (Switzerland, UK, and possibly IT) in some countries.
--> Holger. FTK is still collecting information

A08. (ANDREA, GIULIA) to get in touch with T2.2 to get in touch to define the metadata requirements for collection of materials needed for the population of the EOEE
--> no progress reported

A09 (ANDREA) Clarify ToR of Champions to make sure they will provide information for online material
--> no progress reported

A10 (Tiziana) Find out more about gCUBE support channels and sustainability from CNR. Action is put on hold. Waiting for requirements collection from WP5


A11 Gergely/UCST to test vTiger and and Sugar CRM

A12 Tiziana to provide training contacts for T4.1 interviews (both supply and demand side). Ruben to provide an invitation template to be circulated by EGI.eu


T4.1 REPORT/Ruben

Desk research is in proress but interviews need to progress for both the supply and demand side. These interview are live as opposed to the survey being presented in WP2. Tiziana holds the action of providing contacts for training coordinators in user communities and Research Infrastructures. Additional contacts from SMEs will be provided if possible (A12). An example invitation mail will be provied by Ruben.

15' min presentation will be allocated to T4.1 for the f2f meeting


EGI.eu provides an overview of two different certification schemes (PMI and FitSM) and their respective pros and cons asking for feedback. Some of the choices in the definition of certification will be dictated by the effort available in running the project and programme, but other options require additional input primarily from WP2.
Tiziana: the PMI modular scheme seems more suitable also considering the various specifications that data science has in different scientific domains. Mal and Sy at the next phone meeting will present a concrete proposal for certification with a list of questions for other WPs to further proceed. These questions will be presented and discussed at the f2f meeting.

WP3.4 Training marketplace. Boro requires 5 min to present advancement in the AAI part of the platform. However no time is available in the meeting to cover this agenda point. The update will be provided at the next audio conference meeting. Similarly the WP4 progress report will be performed at the next meeting.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Actions review
    • 2
      T4.1 report
    • 3
      Training scheme
      Speaker: Sy Holsinger (EGI.eu)
    • 4
      Update on training marketplace architecture
      Speaker: Boro Jakimovski (UKIM)
    • 5
      Review of progress in work plan
      PM04 T4.4 Understand how training material coming from T2.2 can be structured in line with the certification scheme PM05 T4.4 Define what is a “trainer” e.g. individuals or institutions; Formal trainer training or requirements/policy only PM06 T4.1 Interview stage finished PM06 T4.2 Structure organization model around marketable products (e.g. BoK); Work with WP2 for potential customers segment of each product PM06 T4.3 Define what is a “trainer” e.g. individuals or institutions; Formal trainer training or requirements/policy only
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.eu)
      Wokr plan