Operations Management Board

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David Groep
Ulf Tigerstedt (NDGF)
Peter  Solagna
Vincenzo Spinoso
Jan Astalos (NGI_SK)
Jeremy Coles (NGI_UK)
Linda Cornwall (STFC)
Eric Yen (Asia Pacific)
Alessandro Paolini (EGI Foundation)
Christos (GRNET)
Gianfranco Sciacca (NGI_CH)
Themis Zamani (GRNET)
Cyril L'Orphelin
Sven Gabriel
Adrian Coveney (STFC)
Ruben_Diez (CESGA)
Miroslav Ruda (CESNET)
Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET)
Luis Alves (NGI_FI)
Miroslav Ruda (CESNET)
Emir Imamagic (NGI_HR)
Ionut Vasile (NGI_RO)
Dragos Ciobanu-Zabet (NGI_RO)
gronbech (NGI_UK)
Jan Astalos (NGI_SK)
John Gordon
Jeremy Coles (NGI_UK)
George Ryall (STFC -GOCDB)


gstat.egi.eu hostname will be decommissioned together with the GGUS SU on Dec 15th.

Many thanks to TWGrid and Asia Pacific for supporting gstat for the benefit of the whole EGI community.

Problem with the CA: Problem is not related to the CA release, but a single CA CRL are not published. It will be fixed for the production release of 1.79-1

Top Level security policy

David Groep presented three main security policy topics:

Draft for the new top-level security policy

Q: Does the policy consider the security between infrastructure?

A: The policy is technology agnostic.EGI CSIRT TOR has explicitly written in the CSIRT TOR that the EGI CSIRT can exchange information with other peer-infastructure

CheckIn data protection policy

Q: should service privacy policies be reviewed by checkin/spg?

A: As long as the privacy policy follows the template of the SPG approval is not needed, but only for exceptions

T.O.R. for the EGI CSIRT

To be approved by the EGI E.B. and Council

[Action all NGIs]: Please, provide feedback until December 14th.

Availability/Reliability status

Alessandro Paolini presented the availabiliy and reliability trend of the infrastructure in the last 12 months.

The overall average A/R is good, the number of underperforming sites (A/R < 80/85) slightly increased in the last months. From a communication point of view, it could be that some sites do not get proper information about the status of their site in ARGO.

Two mitigations will be implemented:

- ARGO will implement a notification system for the sites during Q1 2017

- Proposal: EGI Operations to raise the attention of NGI/Sites of sites underperforming for at least one month, no operational actions, just a notification. At the moment actions are taken for sites with 3 months in a row of underperforming.

Accounting update

Adrian Coveney reported about the recent updates on accounting.

Cloud accounting

Long term VMs accounting will not be availabile until next year. Delayed because of the implemented approach has been proven to be too intensive in therms of load on the repositories.

Storage accounting

Storage (DPM, dCache) accounting has been proven to work with some tweaking at repositories level. The probes are able to account for actual used disk space, not for allocated.

[Action on the NGIs]: propose one or two sites with DPM or dCache to join the accounting pilot

CPU Accounting

APEL encourage sites to send aggregated reports as supported by the APEL parser.

CMD UMD updates

Vincenzo Spinoso reported about CMD/UMD.

CMD will have the first release at the end of the week.

UMD 3 and 4 received several updates.

ARGO update

Emir Imamagic reported about the status of the ARGO plans for topology information gathering from GOCDB.

From December 1st sites under certification will be able to be monitored by registering their services endpoints in GOCDB. New release of GOCDB is needed for the "monitored" flag. ARGO will have the needed information from GOCDB even if the site is not in the Top-BDII.

Production sites do not have to update GOCDB with endpoints right now, ARGO will not use these information for production sites.

In March 2017 the status will be re-assessed and a proposed plan for the extension of this practice to all sites will be proposed.

Core services report

Peter Solagna reported about the first reporting period of Phase II of the core activities.

All core activities performed well, minor deviations did not affected operations of the infrastructure.

GOCDB new release

George Ryall reported on the latest test release of GOCDB. This update adds the 'monitored' flag to the service endpoints, and the write API, to allow site managers to programmatically update the site information, if needed.

Alessandro Paolini circulated a request for testing to the noc managers before the OMB.


Next meeting will be on December 15th

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