9–12 May 2017
Europe/Rome timezone


EGI Conference Opening Plenary: Towards the European Open Science Cloud

9 May 2017, 11:30


EGI Conference Opening Plenary: Towards the European Open Science Cloud

  • Antonio Insolia (INFN)


The EGI Conference 2017 opening plenary will present EGI services and roadmap in the context of the European Cloud Initiative and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) of the EC. EOSC is expected to enable Europe to maintain its current global competitive advantage in excellence science.

Besides presenting the EGI contribution to the initiative, the Opening Plenary will bring the researcher's perspective on the EOSC by hosting a presentation by Ian Corbel on the pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes project (PCAWG). The project is analysing large cohorts of cancer genomes, and pursuing so-called pan-cancer studies to identify factors that may be involved in tumour formation and disease progression across multiple cancer types. PCAWG is currently analyzing >2800 cancer whole genomes, largely on academic and public clouds, and is also developing approaches for data integration with transcriptome & clinical data to address specific hypotheses. PCAWG is one of the EOSCpilot science demonstrators.

The EGI Conference 2017 opening plenary will be chaired by Prof. Antonio Insolia, Director of the INFN Division of Catania.

Presentation materials

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