Workshop: Design your e-Infrastructure

Carmen room (Radisson Blu hotel Krakow)

Carmen room

Radisson Blu hotel Krakow

Straszewskiego 17, 31-101 Kraków, Poland
Gergely Sipos (

This interactive workshop will look into the design and development of e-infrastructures for emerging scientific communities and their use cases.

The event will bring together scientific communities, projects, Research Infrastructures with the providers of European e-infrastructure services (EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT and OpenAIRE).

The workshop participants will analyse the use cases that the participating scientific communities bring to the event, then - in a collaborative way - will design and define suitable e-infrastructure setups and roadmaps to implement them using and customising solutions from the participating e-infrastructures.  

This will be the second edition of this event, following the workshop organised as part of the EGI Conference 2016 in Amsterdam.

What will we get out of the workshop?

  • Design and implementation plans for community-specific e-infrastructure use cases
  • Answers to participants' questions concerning e-infrastructures 
  • Better understanding of the participating scientific use cases
  • Social network formed between use cases and e-infrastructure service providers
  • Gaps in e-infrastructure offerings, and service candidates to fill these gaps
  • Connections among e-infrastructure communities

About the participating e-infrastructures

  • EGI is one of the largest e-infrastructure of the world (more than 350 federated providers), offering compute, data and storage services to researchers, Research Infrastructures and international research collaborations.
  • EUDAT is a collaborative Pan-European infrastructure that provides research data services, training and consultancy for researchers, research communities & infrastructures, data centres. 
  • GÉANT delivers and promotes advanced networks and related e-infrastructure services
  • OpenAIRE is a network of Open Access repositories, archives and journals that support Open Access policies. 

The workshop is organised for

  • Scientific project, research infrastructures and research communities and groups who would like to setup, access or operate an e-infrastructure. 
  • Technology and service providers from e-infrasturcutre communities. These providers will engage with the use cases through the break-out sessions of the afternoon.

Organiser panel

  • EGI: Gergely Sipos (Coordinator)
  • EUDAT: Giuseppe Fiameni
  • GEANT: Licia Florio, Vincenzo Capone
  • OpenAIRE: Paolo Manghi, Pedro Príncipe

The panel can be reached via the email list.

Venue, travel, accommodation


Previous event

A similar workshop was organised by EGI in April 2016 in Amsterdam. Agenda page with 5 use cases and all the presented materials is available at

    • 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
      Arrival with welcome coffee 1h
    • 9:00 AM 9:15 AM
      Welcome and introduction
      • Structure of the workshop
      • Goals of the day
    • 9:15 AM 10:30 AM
      E-infrastructure services

      During this session the service catalogues will be presented and discussed. This will help us establish a common understanding about existing possibilities with European e-infrastructures, so later during the day we will be able to map scientific use cases to specific services and service capabilities. The session will empower participants with knowledge about the EGI, EUDAT, GEANT and OpenAIRE service portfolios that can be relevant for community support activities outside of this event.

      Scheduled contributions:
      - The EGI service catalogue
      - The EUDAT service catalogue
      - The GEANT service catalogue
      - The OpenAIRE service catalogue

    • 10:30 AM 11:00 AM
      Coffee break
    • 11:00 AM 12:30 PM
      E-infrastructure use cases

      Introduction of the scientific use cases and their envisaged use/relevance to European e-infrastructures:

      1. Sille Julie Abildgaard (Copenhagen Business School): Data management platform for Design Thinking Research Symposiums
      2. Tamas Gaizer, Teodor Ivanoaica (ELItrans): Challenges Posed by Processing Scientific Data at Extreme Light Infrastructures
      3. Kostas Stamatopoulos: European Research Initiative in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
      4. Modesto Orozco and Josep Ll. Gelpi: Multi-scale complex Genomics VRE
      5. Dmitrii Pasechnik: Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of Mathematics (OpenDreamKit VRE)
      Convener: Dr Gergely Sipos (
    • 12:30 PM 1:30 PM
    • 1:30 PM 4:30 PM
      Break-out groups - Designing community-specific e-infrastructures (incl. a coffee break between 14:40-15:00)

      Forming break-out groups to analyse and further discuss the e-infrastructure use cases. Each group will consist of representatives of one/more use cases and e-infrastructure experts/providers. Each group will have a convener. The use case analysis will be performed with a pre-defined template which will be provided for the conveners. The outcome of the break-out analysis will be e-infrastructure design and e-infrastructure implementation plans. These will be presented to the audience at the end of the day, and will drive post-workshop implementation work.

      First break-out: Complete the 'Background' and 'Users' topics (1h)
      1. Who will be the user? Can the users be characterised? How many are they?
      2. What value will the envisaged system deliver for them (the whole setup)? What will the system exactly deliver to them? (Customer's pains and gains)
      3. How should they use the system? (Customer's job)
      4. What's the timeline for development, testing and large-scale operation? (Consider consecutive releases if possible)

      14:40-15:00 Coffee break

      Second break-out: Define design and implementation plan (1.5h)
      1. What should the first version include? - The most basic product prototype imaginable already bringing value to the users (the so-called Minimal Viable Product - MVP)
      2. Which components/services already exist in this architecture?
      3. Which components/services are under development (and by who)?
      4. Which components/services should be brought into the system from e-infrastructures? Which EGI/EUDAT/GEANT/OpenAIRE partner can do it?
      5. Are there gaps in the EGI/EUDAT/GEANT/OpenAIRE service catalogues that should be filled to implement the use case? Which service provider could fill the gap?

    • 4:30 PM 4:45 PM
      Break 15m
    • 4:45 PM 6:00 PM
      Reporting back and discussion from each break-out group