9–12 May 2017
Europe/Rome timezone


Computing requirements for advanced data-intensive research

11 May 2017, 16:30


Computing requirements for advanced data-intensive research

  • Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.eu)


This session will present the status, roadmap and results for some of flagship H2020 projects that are research-community driven and participated by EGI. Delegates will learn about how EGI and other e-Infrastructure services and solutions can address the computing and data management needs of international research infrastructures and the development of the data science profession.

The following projects will be presented:

  • elitrans (https://eli-trans.eu/): Tamás Gaizer will present how bespoke e-Infrastructure solutions can support the data ingestion, collection, transfer, processing and curation requirements of the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI). While the implementation of the “Extreme Light Infrastructure” ELI is nearing completion in Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania, elitrans create the necessary conditions for the future operation of ELI as a single, distributed international laser user facility of pan-European dimension.
    Tamás is WP10 "data and computing" co-leader and is software architect at ELI-ALPS.

  • AENEAS: Anna Scaife will present the "Advanced European Network of E-infrastructuresfor Astronomy with the SKA" project, whose objective is to develop a concept and design for a distributed, federated European Science Data Centre (ESDC) to support the astronomical community in achieving the scientific goals of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The scientific potential of the SKA radio telescope is unprecedented and represents one of the highest priorities for the international scientific community. By the same token, the large scale, rate, and complexity of data the SKA will generate, present challenges in data management, computing, and networking that are similarly world-leading. SKA Regional Centres (SRC) like the ESDC will be a vital resource to enable the community to take advantage of the scientific potential of the SKA. Within the tiered SKA operational model, the SRCs will provide essential functionality which is not currently provisioned within the directly operated SKA facilities. AENEAS brings together all the European member states currently part of the SKA project as well as potential future EU SKA national partners, the SKA Organisation itself, and a larger group of international partners including the two host countries Australia and South Africa.
    Anna is WP3 "Computing requirements" leader and in SKA she leads the SKA Imaging Pipeline development.

  • NextGEOSS (http://www.nextgeoss.eu/): is a 3.5 year project serving as a European contribution to GEOSS by developing the next generation hub for Earth Observation (EO) data where users can access data and deploy EO-based applications. The NextGEOSS project kicked off in Dec 2016 with a consortium of 27 organisations from 13 European with the objectives to: Implement a single access point, federated data hub using state-of-the-art data mining and discoverability techniques; Implement Quality of Service and community feedback mechanisms on the data hub; Access to the most relevant data sources for Europe, across all major Earth Observation domains. EGI will contribute to NextGEOSS with computing resources made available through the EGI Federated Cloud allowing the project to connect data and cloud computing resources to user communities and enable an integrated network of application support. This will initially be demonstrated through a number of scientific and business oriented pilots where EGI will offer technical advice and consultancy to identify the best solutions to get the applications up and running on an integrated cloud platform. NextGEOSS will also stimulate data exploitation by commercial enterprises with a number of business-oriented pilots, therefore EGI will support the defining formal agreements for long-term business relationships beyond the life of the project.

  • EDISON (http://edison-project.eu/): Yuri Demchenko will present the results of EDISON - the "Education for Data Intensive Science to Open New science frontiers" project, focused on establishing the new profession of ' Data Scientist', following the emergence of Data Science technologies (also referred to as Data Intensive or Big Data technologies) which changes the way research is done, how scientists think and how the research data are used and shared. This includes definition of the required skills, competences framework/profile, corresponding Body Of Knowledge and model curriculum. EDISON is developing a sustainability/business model to ensure a sustainable increase of Data Scientists, graduated from universities and trained by other professional education and training institutions in Europe.
    Yuri coordinates EDISON and is Senior Researcher at the System and Network Engineering Research Group of the University of Amsterdam.

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