Ingemar Haggstrom
For the ENVRIplus RIs, the ultimate goal is to provide quality-checked and calibrated observational data to their user communities. Virtual Research Environments (VREs) have in recent years emerged as an important approach to providing web-based systems to help researchers. A VRE for the ENVRIplus community has been setup using the D4Science platform D4Science https://www.d4science.org/ supports a flexible and agile application development model based on the notion of Platform as a Service (PaaS), in which components may be bound instantly at the time they are needed. In this way, it enables user communities to define their own research environments by selecting the constituents (the services, the data collections, the machines) among the pools of resources made available through the D4Science e-Infrastructure. Several ENVRIplus use cases are evaluating this service. In this talk we will present EISCAT’s experience of using the VRE service to support individual scientists to process radar data using their own algorithms. Benefits and limitation of the VRE service will also be discussed.