November 30, 2017 to December 1, 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science


Building ENVRI-as-a-Service to the EOSC

Dec 1, 2017, 11:00 AM
The Square Meeting Centre

The Square Meeting Centre

Mont des Arts street, no. 1000 Brussel, Belgium


Building ENVRI-as-a-Service to the EOSC

  • Yin Chen (


Scientific communities are important stakeholders for European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). However, there are many open questions from communities on the newly emerged concepts, e.g., what does EOSC means for communities, how communities can benefit from EOSC, and how to connect to EOSC.

ENVRI is a community of the Environmental research infrastructures, projects and networks. Through 2 EU-funded projects, ENVRI has been endeavouring on building service solutions to a set of common challenges from environmental Research Infrastructures (RI), with accumulation of experiences of using pan European e-Infrastructure resources services such as EGI and EUDAT. Those solutions promote a more coherent, interdisciplinary and interoperable cluster infrastructure across Europe.

This session brings ENVRI community to DI4R conference, and from community point of view analysis opportunities and benefits from EOSC. We will start by listening to success stories of using service solutions provided by ENVRI, leading to an open discussion between a mini panel and audience. The objective is to develop an understanding of EOSC for ENVRI, identify gaps and challenging issues, and define a roadmap to connect ENVRI to EOSC.

- The establishment of a forum for environmental scientists, RI service developers, and technology providers to discuss technical challenges and solutions.
- The promotion of new collaborations between user communities, the development teams and e-infrastructure service providers.
- The formulation of a conceptual paradigm for ENVRI-as-a-Service for Open Science Cloud.

- Environmental Research Infrastructures who want to come together to jointly build thematic services to EOSC.
- E-infrastructure technology providers who want to help community requirements.

- Four invited talks from representative European environmental RIs on scientific use cases and service solutions (4 x10 mins presentation +Q&A)
- One mini-panel discussion on “A Roadmap for Building ENVRI-as-a-Service to EOSC” (50min)

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