Daniel Kouril
(Masaryk University)
The West-Life Virtual Research Environment provides services for computation
and data management to researchers in structural biology. It builds on European
e-Infrastructure solutions from EGI and EUDAT and links together web services
and repositories for structural biology. The West-Life VRE continues to develop
the community and services established in previous projects and activities. So
far, some of the services use the authentication and authorization solution
developed by the WeNMR project, which is based on standalone user registration,
password, and links to X509 user certificates and EGI virtual organization
memberships eventually. Other services use isolated solutions. Therefore
revisions towards both convergence to a single solution and to use of emerging,
more user friendly technology are desirable.
In our presentation we describe the revised architecture of AAI and identity
management in the West-Life VRE and introduce the pilot implementation. The new
model builds on common principles examined in other similar infrastructures,
like ELIXIR, BBMRI and INSTRUCT. The viability of the new solution will be
demonstrated on selected West-life services. The implemented solution utilizes
well-established technologies and conforms the guidelines of AARC. The
infrastructure developed provides an interoperable solution that is compatible
with the foreseen Life-science AAI arrangements.
Topic Area | Security, trust and identity |
Type of abstract | Presentation (15 minutes) |
Primary authors
Ales Krenek
(Masaryk University)
Callum Smith
(University of Oxford)
Daniel Kouril
(Masaryk University)
Joerg Schaarschmidt
(Utrecht University)
Lubomir Ontkoc
(Masaryk University)
Marco Verlato
Michal Prochazka
(Utrecht University)
Narayanan Krishnan
(University of Oxford)