30 November 2017 to 1 December 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science

Evolving Operational Security for the EOSC era

30 Nov 2017, 16:30
213 & 215 (The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre)

213 & 215

The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre


Dr Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF) Urpo Kaila (CSC)


The EOSC-hub proposes a new vision to data-driven science, where researchers from all disciplines have easy, integrated and open access to the advanced digital services, scientific instruments, data, knowledge and expertise they need to collaborate to achieve excellence in science, research and innovation. The process towards the integration of the different security activities will be supported through the development of harmonized policies and procedures, to ensure consistent and coordinated security operations across the services provided in the catalogue. Coordinating the Operational Security in such a broad environment is a challenge. At the same time it offers many possibilities of a closer collaboration of the already existing security teams active in the distributed infrastructures. The expertise built, and tools developed in response to specific problems in the different infrastructures can be used in cross-infrastructure co-operations. In this presentation we will present examples for possible collaborations in: * Incident Prevention * Incident Handling/Coordination * Security Training and Exercises In our presentation we will also share information on some actual cases of vulnerability management and incident coordination within and across infrastructures. A discussion on lessons learned will include review on how comprehensively critical vulnerabilities and incidents have been identified and how efficiently risks and incidents have been contained. As usual, the results from the debriefings give us pointers to which tools and procedures need further development to further improve our cross infrastructure operational security capabilities.
Topic Area Security, trust and identity
Type of abstract Presentation (15 minutes)

Primary authors

Dr Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF) Urpo Kaila (CSC)


Daniel Kouril (CESNET) David Groep (NIKHEF) David Kelsey (STFC) Linda Cornwall (STFC) Vincent Brillault (CERN)

Presentation materials