30 November 2017 to 1 December 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science


Cross e-infrastructure of training/technical support

30 Nov 2017, 14:00
The Square Meeting Centre

The Square Meeting Centre

Mont des Arts street, no. 1000 Brussel, Belgium


Cross e-infrastructure of training/technical support

  • najla rettberg (university of Goettingen)


The promotion of cutting-edge solutions for networking, advanced computing, management of big data, trust and identity, open scholarship is paramount to leverage existing investments, avoid duplication and ultimately increase sustainability by supporting a larger number of researchers.

However, various challenges are being faced, like the ability to reach out to an increasing number of researchers and innovators, aggregate demand and the offer from multiple providers. This can be a demanding activity, especially in the case of small and highly distributed research teams. Fortunately, EOSC provides an opportunity for more coordination and integration of outreach activities currently conducted in isolation. This interactive session will discuss the different engagement activities & strategies of organisations involved in supporting use of national and European e-Infrastructures/Research Infrastructures. The session will feature presentations and discussions highlighting national and European opportunities of coordination and collaboration.

Participants will have the opportunity to provide input to the Cooperation Agreement that will involve e-Infrastructures and in particular the future H2020 EINFRA-12 projects EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE-Advance involving EGI, EUDAT, INDIGO and OpenAIRE.

This session addresses Research (e-)Infrastructure managers, research collaboration managers and digital infrastructure providers.

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Inge van Nieuwerburgh
211 & 212, The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre
14:00 - 14:05
Training programmes: Flash talks
211 & 212, The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre
14:05 - 14:35
najla rettberg
EOSC hub/OpenAIRE Advance Collaboration Agreement
211 & 212, The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre
14:35 - 14:40
Breakout groups and discussion
211 & 212, The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre
14:40 - 15:20
Wrap up and conclusions
211 & 212, The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre
15:20 - 15:30