Special focus on Earth Observation
- Hannes Thiemann (DKRZ)
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Pacini Pacini
(Terradue srl)
30/11/2017, 16:00
The idea to create advanced platforms, where the users can find data but also state-of-art algorithms, processing tools, computing facilities, and instruments for dissemination and sharing, in the field of the satellite Earth Observation has been launched several years ago. The initiatives developed in this context have been supported firstly by the Framework Programmes of the European...
Nuno Grosso
(Deimos Engenharia SA)
30/11/2017, 16:15
In the last years there has been an increasing demand to develop geospatial data systems that provide users working with Earth Observation data the capability to access, visualise and process large volume EO datasets currently available (e.g. Copernicus and Sentinel) to develop their research activities or operational services.
The Coastal Waters Research Synergy Framework (Co-ReSyF)...
Nuno Almeida
(Deimos Engenharia), Mr
Nuno Catarino
(Deimos Engenharia)
30/11/2017, 16:30
The NextGEOSS project, a European contribution to Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), proposes to develop a centralised hub for Earth Observation (EO) data, where the users can connect to access data and deploy EO-based applications. Through developing further technologies in the scope of GEOSS, the project will enable increased use of EO data supporting decision making....
Sylvain D'HOINE
(CS Communication & Systèmes)
30/11/2017, 16:45
Forthcoming EO and scientific space missions create unprecedented opportunities to empower new types of user applications, and to develop a new generation of user services, particularly for the European scientific community. The associated generated data are steadily increasing volume, delivery rate, degree of variety, complexity and interconnection of data. Challenges stemming from such an...
Cesare Rossi
30/11/2017, 17:00
Earth observations from satellites produce vast amounts of data. In particular, the new Copernicus Sentinel missions are playing an increasingly important role as a reliable, high-quality and free open data source for scientific, public sector and commercial activities. Latest developments in Information and Communication Technology facilitate the handling of such large volumes of data, and...
Andrea Manieri
(Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa)
30/11/2017, 17:15
Recently, a great attention has been given to the exploitation of Earth Observation data, as a mean of industrial innovation and source of potential societal benefits. EU is at forefront in Earth Observation technologies: ESA launched the Sentinel Constellations, a set of redundant satellites that will offer high availability and resiliency as required by industries to run businesses.
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Mr Nuno Catarino et al.
NextGEOSS: Next generation European GEOSS data hub and cloud platform
214 & 216, The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre
16:30 - 16:45
Andrea Manieri
Do a market for Earth Observation Data exist?
214 & 216, The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre
17:15 - 17:30
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