Attendees: All task representatives, excepted T7.9.
- workplans:
Claudio talked shortly about the status of the work plans:
T7.1: done
T7.2: missing, expected 02/02
Daniele Spiga reported to have just completed the T7.2 work plan in the common google sheet.
T7.3: done
T7.4: missing, expected ?
Mattia Santoro confirmed the availability for a conf call on Thursday 8th February.
Claudio is still waiting for the time slot.
T7.5: done
T7.6: done
T7.7: missing, expected 09/02
Christian Briese states that no partner has provided contributions yet, so he will send another request.
T7.8: missing, expected 09/02
Karolj Skala confirms they are working on it.
T7.9: missing, expected 09/02
Claudio will contact them.
Claudio will report about the work plan to the next AMB meeting on Tuesday 13th February.
- services:
- high priority: B2SHARE, B2DROP, EOSC AAI, EGI Data Hub, DIRAC4EGI, EGI Cloud, EGI Online storage
T7.2 stressed the importance of accounting and monitoring.
Claudio agreed and said that there will be guidelines about how to integrate them with the TSs.
Moreover for the first WP13 report of M9, September 2018, the metrics will be collected using the tools available in the TS environment, even if they are still not integrated with EOSC tools, like the accouning system.
There is also a request to have a sort of template to report to the WP13 in an homogeneous way: Claudio will ask to Malgorzata, WP13 leader, about it.
- mailing lists
Claudio will ask for the creation of one general mailing list with all the members of the WP7 and one for each task.
- next meetings:
Claudio prepared a table to collect all the proposed time slot for the next VC:
Short discussion with the tasks: all agreed with the current proposal.
Claudio will contact T7.9.
- common topics with WP8: Jupiter?
T7.1 Clarin and T7.6 WeNMR showed interest in the Jupiter notebook tool.
Claudio will talk with Gergely.
- RDA (Berlin March 23 EOSC-hub session)
Claudio asked again to the all the tasks to fill in the table about their involvement in RDA:
In particular, T7.6 and T7.3 confirmed their participation, while T7.4 and T7.1 will check and let me know.
- FAQ:
- effort and costs
Claudio shortly summarized the requests and the responses about unfunded effort or possibility to extend the WP7 task beyond the planned deadline.
- access to wiki (EGI SSO)
So far the way to edit the WP7 wiki pages requires to have an EGI SSO account and ask explicitly editing permissions to Malgorzata or Claudio.