WP8 task leaders meeting 13/09/2018
Notes by Gergely Sipos
Meeting page: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/event/4239/
Thierry (Marine), Luca (EPOS-ORFEUS), Carl-Frederik (EISCAT_3D), Andrew (Fusion), Gergely
Guest participants:
Rene van Horik (WP11 Data Management Plans)
Matthew Viljoen (WP4 Rules of Participation)
CC updates
- IFRMER personnel issues: VRE coordinator resigned and a new person will be recruited; The CC coordinator deputy (Jerome) was on sick leave for months, now he is back so increased coordination is expected.
pumping data into CSC B2SAFE
- Syncronise Euro-Argo data and EOSC-hub - transform data format for Elastic Search and Sparql queries
* We'd like to offer the transformed as well as the raw NetCDF data in the EOSC-hub marketplace
- Data discovery and subscription with GUI - Based on B2Access
- Spark, Cassandra, ElasticSearch: INFRAMER setup an internal Hadoop, now we'd like to replicate this to EOSC-hub IN2P3, CSC, CINECA sites
- Liege (Alexander Barth) works with Jupyter, access Argo data. He needs more resources for daily analysis. --> Discuss offline with Gergely
- Andrii Lytovchenko started working in Marseilles in the DIRAC team
- DIRAC and CheckIn integration ongoing (original plan was B2ACCESS)
- Work on data formats for ingestion into B2
- How will DIRAC (CheckIn) interface with B2 services (B2ACCESS) ? Open question - for the AAI team?
- In ENVRIplus: Describing workflows in existing EISCAT system for provenance with ProVis standard
- Storage resources from CSC - Not yet accepted. WP13 from Month 18
* Local storage in the DIRAC server is ok for the development, but analytics cannot work without compute providers
* Ari will talk with CSC providers again, then inform the CC and Gergely if needed
* EISCAT has some resources in the NeIC project (SNIC and maybe NO). This could be an option?
- Working on tech architecture document. Will be ready in approx 1 month
- B2ACCESS at Juelich, small test already passed, now testing with external data centres from EIDA. Tech doc was written
* We need to think about integration of AAI with other services we want to use in teh architecture (Jupyter, Compute, Storage)
- B2SAFE was deployed at NOA and GRNET as a federated storage (replicating data from NOA to GRNET)
- Centres have different ways to store and manage data. How to harmonise this?
* Bring data to unified compute sites?
* Caching data to a harmonised format?
* What can other CCs and EOSC-hub suggest?
- Building an API on top of iRODS to move data between two sites. A user can issue a data staging request to move in data
- Data Management is the main focus now, testing B2SAFE and OneData
- STFC try to make HTTP API working for B2SAFE. We try CINECA in the meantime
- We deployed a Unified Data Access server for workflow at STFC (Mats workflow)
Updates from Gergely
WP10 finished configuring the Community requirement DB and Jira for requirement tickets. Instruction for us is available at https://wiki.eosc-hub.eu/display/EOSC/WP10+Technical+Coordination --> How to record requirements.
These must be used from now on to send development/operational requirements for other WPs of the project (mainly for EGI/EUDAT service providers in WP4-5-6).
Setup a community entry in the Community requirement DB; then open Requirement tickets. (Follow the Instructions mentioned above). Gergely started this for ELIXIR, Marine, EISCAT_3D. See those as examples.
EGI-EUDAT integration needs:
WP6 specifically asks for short list of EGI-EUDAT integrations your CC requires. I have added these into the table here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D3kjhHtEfVLA2L1jsBS1O1NVPE2yiwmKD6KjBCNSlaM/edit#gid=789897300 (see from around row 75)
We are planning to organise a f2f meeting with WP6 members to finalise the integration plan based on this input. I'll invite you to the meeting if needed.
Check the WP8 items. Is there anything missing? Assign priorities (importance/deadline) to your CC's item.
Sharing research data in EOSC:
New section in the Marketplace and we invite RIs to register their data portals/catalogues. (There were direct emails to you by Gergely last week about this).
ACTION TO ALL CCs: Please fill this form about the dataset portal/catalogue that you wish to register. Two examples are alreeady there (Argo and EPOS-ORFEUS):https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C6yQWXQ8H3GPSZwoLS0EX7lbOPQgQpgybaXqEYoC8R0/edit#
EOSC portal & launch event:
Will be in Brussels on Nov 23. EOSC-hub will contribute with the Marketplace and with demos (current plan: Photon-Neutron; WeNMR; ICOS).
Tracking WP8 actions:
Gergely offered to WP8 CC leaders to use the EOSC-hub Wiki's 'tasks' feature to open task items for CC leaders. This will help both you to know what you are expected to do, and I to monitor progress. The participants support the idea, so I'll start with the tasks (actions) from this minutes.
Upcoming events:
DI4R: No specific CC session, but some has talks
EOSC-hub week: April 9-12 confirmed. Mark this in your calendar.
Community events: Add them to https://wiki.eosc-hub.eu/display/EOSC/Events
Data management plans (with Rene):
We discussed the situation with Rene and identified issues that Gergely will clarify with the PO:
1. The template that was used to collect input for the project DMP does not match the H2020 DMP template
2. CCs misunderstood the exercise and described data they'll use in the CC, not the data they will produce.
Clarify the scope of the DMP activity with the PO, and ask for a new template.
Rules of participation (with Matthew):
Matthew presented the current ideas of the EOSC-hub rules of participation (aka. rules for service providers to offer services via the Hub). See Matthew's slides on the agenda. Gergely provided a few suggestions and will forward these to the task force that finalises the rules.
Next meeting:
Gergely will setup a doodle for second half of October.