19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The XSEDE Architecture – The Importance of Interoperability and the Role of Standards

22 Sept 2011, 09:00
Pasteur (300) (Universe)

Pasteur (300)



Andrew Grimshaw (Professor of Computer Science, University of Virginia)


XSEDE introduces a new approach—one that combines an emphasis on standards as well as quality attributes such as ease-of-use, reliability, extensibility, and interoperability—to satisfying user needs. Standards, a key feature of the architecture, reduce risk, exploit a diversity of software source, and extend the set of accessible resources to include other national infrastructures. This talk presents a high-level view of the XSEDE architecture and its realization. We begin with a discussion of the goals and design principles that drove the XSEDE architecture design process with a particular focus on addressing the question, “why standards?”. Next, we examine the architecture in more detail through the lens of the capabilities delivered to users and the standards used to deliver them. We then discuss possibilities for standards-based interoperation with European infrastructures, as well as some known gaps in the standards space that need to be filled. We conclude with a discussion of the deployment plan and status.

Presentation materials