19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

EMI data services - the second year

19 Sept 2011, 11:00
Rhone 2 (75) (Lyon Conference Centre)

Rhone 2 (75)

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY)


The European Middleware Initiative is now rapidly approaching its projects half-value period. Nearly all objectives of the first year of EMI-Data have been achieved. Internet standards, like WebDAV and NFS4.1/pNFS have been integrated into the EMI set of storage elements, the already existing accounting record has been extended to cover storage and the synchronization of catalogues and storage elements has been designed and implemented within gLite. Furthermore, the close collaboration between EMI and EGI resulted in a very positive feedback from EGI and the subsequent creation of a set of new objectives focusing on the EGI acceptance of the EMI software distribution. This presentation will briefly described the achieved goals of the first year but will primarily focus on the work EMI Data is facing for the rest of its projects lifetime, including the design of the common EMI data client libraries and the new gLite File Transfer Service (FTS3).

Presentation materials