The Resource Centres are at the heart of the EGI High Throughput Computing infrastructure: they contribute resources, requirements and expertise, and have the potential to extend the EGI service offer and the current user base by supporting a wider group of disciplines and user communities who need high capacity for their data-intensive computing needs. The extension of the current user base is essential for the consolidation and long-term sustainability of EGI, of the NGIs and the Centres themselves.
The Resource Centre Forum is an opportunity to contribute to the evolution of the EGI Ecosystem, and to share expertise and plans with other computing centres. The Resource Centre Forum will address the following areas:
- support of diverse user communities, and plans to extend to new communities and projects;
- the technical challenges faced to support multiple disciplines in various areas (operations, deployed middleware, existing capabilities and services, etc.);
- requirements of better Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, and Usability of the Grid middleware to support multiple disciplines within the constraints of the existing manpower;
- new services, long-term sustainability, business models and cloud computing;
- interest in a coordinated action of large Resource Centres at the European level.
Resource Centre and NGI representatives are invited to participate.