The EC3 portal in the EGI Applications on Demand service: how to create virtual elastic clusters in the EGI Federation

Giuseppe La Rocca (, Miguel Caballer (UPVLC)

EC3 (Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster) is a tool to deploy virtual elastic clusters over multi-clouds. It is a web tool that facilitates the access to Cloud computing platforms to non-experienced users. A virtual cluster can be deployed with a few clicks. It maintains the “traditional” work environment: clusters configured with a LRMS (SLURM, SGE, Kubernetes, etc.) and scientific applications (Galaxy, NAMD, etc.).

EC3 provides automated elasticity management. Working nodes are added or removed depending on the workload of the cluster without any user intervention and it supports a wide range of cloud providers (public, federated and on-premises) including EGI FedCloud.

To webinar will introduce the key features of EC3, particularly:

  • Facilitates the access to Cloud computing platforms to non-experienced users.
  • Maintains the "traditional" work environment: clusters configured with a Local Resource Management System (LRMS) and scientific applications.
  • Deploy clusters with a few clicks in a web portal.
  • Self managed cluster elasticity based on workload without any user intervention.

EC3 Documentation and tutorials are available in the EGI Wiki (e.g configuring a Galaxy cluster for data intensive research).  Please submit a service order request via the Marketplace to access the service. 

Webinar connection link:

The webinar is open for anyone. Registration is not required, bur recommended prior the event (using the 'Apply here' link below).

Video recording:

    • 10:00 10:05
      Welcome and introduction of the webinar 5m
      Speaker: Dr Giuseppe La Rocca (
    • 10:05 10:20
      Overview of the Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster (EC3) portal 15m
      Introduce the high-level architecture of the EC3 portal
      Speaker: Dr Miguel Caballer (UPVLC)
    • 10:20 10:50
      Live demo of the EC3 portal 30m
    • 10:50 11:00