Sep 5 – 7, 2022
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Summer School on “Federated Digital Infrastructures in
Education, Scientific Research and Innovation”

This Summer School is the first of a series which is organized under the frame of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) and EGI.

The aim of the summer school is to provide introductory courses on the Federation of Digital Infrastructure and is dedicated for MSc students and PhD students from the BSUN member universities and service providers from universities and research institutes interested in Federating services and resources with EGI and European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

The main outcome of this Summer School will be proof-of-concept and pilot federated use cases that can be implemented by EGI in collaboration with the participating service providers and potentially interested students from BSUN member universities.

The Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) was established in 1998 with the purpose of developing educational, scientific, and cultural cooperation and exchanges among the Universities of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Member States and other institutions with similar concern. The network includes more than 115 member universities from the 12 member states of BSEC as Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and Serbia

In 2021, it was signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between BSUN and EGI for the development of infrastructure services and resources across BSUN member universities, enabling federation of cloud resource providers, engagement with EOSC and GOSC, training events, community engagement, and the development of a Digital Innovation Hub within the Black Sea region.

About the school

Consisting of lectures and laboratory works in the following thematic areas:

  • Introduction to e-Infrastructures, e-Infrastructure services and usage, including platforms available on modern e-Infrastructures
  • Security best practices when using e-Infrastructures
  • Build your own services/focus on use-cases
  • FitSM Foundation learning (1.5 days, up to 12 people. Aimed at people delivering services)

The official language of the event will be English.
Local time zone for the agenda is EEST (GMT+3)

Connection details (for remote participants)

Zoom link to participate to the sections:

  • "e-Infrastructure Security", and
  • "Build your Own Infrastructure day"

Join Zoom Meeting


The interested parties have to fill online the relevant Application form at the following link

Applicants will be notified for the acceptance of their application.


The Summer School will be held at the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest.

Participating students will be accommodated in dormitories (4 persons per room).

The infrastructure and organizational support will be assured by the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest.

More information for the preparations and the materials needed for the accommodation will be provided by the local organizers.

Fees for participation

Payment methods will be announced in due time.

The fees will cover:

  • Participation in the Summer School
  • Accommodation and full catering costs (3 meals per day) for the whole period.

All participants are responsible for covering travel costs from their home cities to Bucharest and other everyday expenses.

Submission of the Application form for participation

The interested parties have to fill online the relevant Application form that can be found at the link here.

Applicants will be notified for the acceptance of their application.

FitSM Foundation Training

A dedicated indico page for the FitSM Foundation Training course (08-09 September) is here


The EGI/BSUN Summer School is jointly organized in collaboration with the
EGI-ACE and the EOSC Future projects.

Contact information

Prof. Eden MAMUT, PhD, Eng., Secretary General
Black Sea Universities Network, 124 Mamaia Avenue
900527 Constantza, Romania
Phone/Fax: +40 241 606 462
GSM: +40 748 142 615


Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania