1:15 PM
Overview by the Chair
1:20 PM
Global Science Collaboration in the Photon and Neutron Community
Rudolf Dimper
(IT Advisor to the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Directorate)
1:30 PM
Ingemar Haggstrom
1:37 PM
Potential collaboration and challenge between SYISR and EISCAT
Xinan YUE
(Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS)
1:45 PM
Regional Collaborations on Disaster Mitigation
Eric Yen
1:55 PM
Virtual Observatory and Science Platforms in Astronomy
Chenzhou CUI
(The PI for Chinese Virtual Observatory (China-VO) and the chair for International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA), the deputy director of National Astronomy Data Center in China (NADC))
2:05 PM
Big Data Analytics needs for the Earth Observation Science Community
Guido Lemoine
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre)
2:15 PM
Supporting Global Open Science with Collaboration in Geoinformatics
Kerstin Lehnert
(Doherty Senior Research Scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Director of the NSF-funded data facility IEDA (Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance))
2:25 PM