
Supercomputing in Brazil and the LNCC


Target audience

  • IT service providers 

  • Data centre representatives

  • Decision makers

  • Researchers  

Webinar programme (1h)

  • Supercomputing in Brazil (15 min)

  • The LNCC - The Brazilian National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (20 min)

  • International Collaboration (10 min)

  • Q&A (15 min)


Brazil has the fastest/biggest private and public supercomputing centres in Latin America, situated at LNCC. LNCC (National Laboratory for Scientific Computing) coordinates the SINAPAD (National High Performance Processing System), which aggregates nine public supercomputing centres. In addition to services, LNCC develops interdisciplinary research and has a doctoral program in computational modelling with several strategic international collaborations.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fábio Borges

Director, National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), Brazil


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fábio Borges concluded his doctoral research on security and privacy in smart grids. In 1994, a civil service examination selected him to the position of civil servant in the Londrina State University - Brazil (UEL in Portuguese). In 2002, another civil service examination selected him to work for the Office of Science, Technology, and Innovation at the Brazilian National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC in Portuguese). From 2011 to 2015, Horst Görtz Foundation supported him to work at the Technological University of Darmstadt - Germany (TU Darmstadt). He holds a Ph.D. degree in Doctor of Engineering in the Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt, a master's degree in Computational Modelling at LNCC, and a bachelor degree in Mathematics at UEL. Currently, he is developing research and is the Director at LNCC.

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Organized by

EGI Foundation

Dr Yin Chen