19–23 Sept 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

EIRENE RI – European Research Infrastructure for Human Exposome Research

21 Sept 2022, 09:30
Plenary 1st floor (Vienna Andel Prague)

Plenary 1st floor

Vienna Andel Prague


Prof. Jana Klanova (Masaryk University)


Research infrastructures (RIs) are key entities enabling high-level research and fostering innovations in any research area. They provide an access to necessary capacities, innovative technologies, and expert human resources. Numerous research infrastructures have been developed in Europe during the last decades but none of them addressed chemical exposures. EIRENE RI (Research Infrastructure for EnvIRonmental Exposure assessmeNt in Europe) fills this gap in the European infrastructural landscape and pioneers the first EU infrastructure on human exposome. EIRENE will provide harmonised workflows covering all processes between the sample collection, data acquisition, and knowledge provided to the end users accessible to academic researchers, private companies, public authorities, and citizens. Linking interdisciplinary (environmental, clinical, socio-economic) data coming from multiple sources will enable large-scale research activities and advance new scientific developments. This will lead to improved understanding of an impact of exposome on the European population, characterization of the risk factors behind development of chronic conditions, and discovery of novel tools for their prevention and treatment.

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