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Date: 15/6/2023  OMB meeting



Alessandro (EGI)

Renato (EGI)

Catalin (EGI)

Baptiste (EGI)

Viet Tran

David Cohen


Joao Pina LIP

Gianfranco Sciacca LHEP


Jan Astalos NGI_SK

Jerry Horgan

Emir Imamagic

Sven Gabriel CSIRT

Matt (EGI)

Mattew Steven Doidge



  • 10:00  10:05


Alessandro chaired the opening

  • 10:0510:20

Introduction to the EGI Secret Store service and its monitoring

SpeakerViet Tran (IISAS)

Integrating Secret management service with ARGO-SAM  (file included in the meeting)


Viet presented on behalf also of Marica (INFN) and Alvaro Lopes. A new service was presented.


  • 10:2010:35

Security report15m

SpeakerSven Gabriel (NIKHEF)

No material added yet. Swapped Sven with Joao, presenting order.

Sven talked about latest status report (new member, meetings and new incident)

Some statistics will be uploaded to the meeting page.


  • 10:3510:45

UMD status10m

SpeakerJoao Pina (LIP)

UMD/CMD Software provisioning infrascture (OMB) (file included)

Joao presented current status and new EGI repositories. New architecture

The rollout workflow is on git. The new YUM structure was also presented.

New design for the front-end. A small demo/navigation was done.


  • 10:4510:55

DPM migration and decommission campaign10m

SpeakerRenato Santana

Presentation included in the meeting

Presented the latest status of DPM migration/decommision

Alessandro added comments saying that CERN may provide “some” support to DPM after the deadline. But, we will be following the campaign.

  • 10:55  11:05

Deployment of the new benchmark10m

SpeakerAlessandro Paolini (EGI.eu)


Alessandro presented the latest activities and status of the new APEL tests. APEL client released.

ARC-CE needs a small fix to start testing on it.

  • 11:0511:20


Matt presented the latest high-level status of procurement with proposed deadlines. (no material added)


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.