9–10 Feb 2012
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory (BioVeL): Robust biodiversity workflows running on the GRID

10 Feb 2012, 09:05


Victor Hugo Street 18-22.


Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN)


Biovel addresses the needs of biologists and environmental scientists by offering a series of robust and reliable web services based workflows that can be managed with the myGrid suite of tools: Taverna, BioCatalogue and myExperiment. The project proposes best practice and efficient workflows for commonly executed analyses in ecology, taxonomy, phylogenetics and metagenomics, with underlying deployment of hardened and robust Web Services. Within the first round of workflows produced and services deployed by the project there are phylogenetic inference workflows. These workflows will provide end users with the capabilities to execute inferencing applications that can scale to easily exploit several kind of resources, like EGI grid infrastructure, local batch farm or dedicated servers, and cloud resources.

Presentation materials