We aim the workshop at members and supporters of DCI user communities: user support teams within NGI, VRCs and VOs. Scientific groups that are not yet engaged with EGI. The workflow will facilitate communication across these entities and support the community:
- obtain information about existing scientific gateways and gateway development frameworks
- learn about projects that develop and/or provide and/or use science gateways
- identify needs for the deployment of new portals based on existing technologies;
- communicate requirements and needs concerning the further developments of existing frameworks and technologies.
It follows from the above, that the workshop is a perfect opportunity to advertise EGI’s achievements on the field of "science gateways" to potential new user communities.
The workshop will offer a platform for both end-users and portal technology providers to exchange information about needs and existing solutions. The workshop would be the next part of the series of topical workshops organised by EGI.eu for the whole community on the topic of portal/science gateways.
Overview (For the conference guide)
Science gateways enable user communities to exploit distributed computing infrastructures (DCI) through simple, user-friendly Web interfaces. Numerous science gateways and related technologies are available and are under development within EGI and other multi-national DCI communities. The workshop aims to gather presentations about established and about emerging science gateways and technologies from EGI. Presenters of the workshop will be scientists and scientific programmers from various research disciplines and NGIs to introduce:
- how research is empowered by the use of science gateways,
- how portal and application development can be simplified by the use of science gateways and their enabling technologies
- the details of the key technology solutions used within these science gateways
- the DCIs that can be utilised through these science gateways.
The workshop is envisaged as an at least 2*90 minutes long session organised by the EGI-InSPIRE and SCI-BUS projects.
Description of the Work
We have multiple goals with the workshop:
Demonstrate the benefits of science gateways through scientific use cases supported by EGI.
Provide an overview of state of the art science gateway technologies.
Easy-to-use, easy-to-customise, easy-to-extend science gateways are important for EGI to successful engage with new scientific communities. This need was recognised several years ago and various NGIs and scientific communities are already supporting users with science gateways. The workshop is expected to collect a number of presentations and attract high number of attendees.
The introduction to different science gateways and their enabling technical/programming solutions can help:
- portal developers to collect new ideas for their portal technology and to give an insight into end-user needs,
- scientific communities to learn about existing possibilities and
solution used by similar (or maybe completely different) virtual research
The workshop should consist of at least two 90 minutes long session that will include presentations on science gateway usage, development and related user community needs. An additional 90 minutes session would be useful for structured discussion, facilitated by EGI.eu. The structure of this workshop would follow the structure of a similar workshop that was held by the User Community Support Team of EGI.eu at the EGI Technical Forum in 2010, but would allow longer presentations collected from Community Forum submissions and invitations.