Steven Newhouse
EGI – Ready for new horizons
This keynote will bring you a summary of the EGI-InSPIRE project activities in the past six months, focusing on the changes recently implemented in response to the recommendations that came out of the first EC review. The long-term impact of these changes in the project's activity will be outlined, including the latest efforts within the community for developing a sustainability model for EGI's future work.
Steven Newhouse studied Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial College London, where he researched underwater acoustic scattering through the use of computational modelling and parallel computing. Over the last ten years he has led teams in the research, implementation and deployment of grid systems to support user communities. He has been Technical Director of the EGEE-III project, Program Manager at Microsoft and Director of the Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute UK (OMII-UK). Previously, Steven was a Lecturer in e-Science at Imperial College London and Technical Director of the London e-Science Centre (LeSC).