17–21 Sept 2012
Clarion Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

EGI Training Marketplace

18 Sept 2012, 16:10
Taurus (Clarion Conference Centre)


Clarion Conference Centre

Presentation Virtual Research Environments (Gergely Sipos: track leader) Software services for community building and support


Claire Devereux (STFC)

Wider impact of this work


Description of the work


Printable Summary

The EGI Training Marketplace is a service to coordinate training across communities, projects and national teams. The new Training Marketplace enables trainers to advertise events, materials and resources, and researchers using EGI to locate, access and comment on training material, events and resources that meet their needs. If the specialist course, resource or material that you are looking for is not available in the marketplace, send us an email so we can develop it with our partners!

Primary author

Presentation materials