17โ€“21 Sept 2012
Clarion Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone


NIL meeting (Closed)

17 Sept 2012, 14:00
Clarion Conference Centre

Clarion Conference Centre

Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic


NIL meeting (Closed)

  • Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)

NIL meeting (Closed)

  • Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)


NGI International Liaisons meeting (closed).
Further information: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Virtual_Team_Projects

<u>Proposed agenda:</u>

Session 1
Reports from active VTs, 5minutes each
- Steven Newhouse: Introduction
- Ladislav Hluchy: Fire and Smoke Simulation
- Steve Brewer: Digital Cultural Heritage DCH-EGI Integration
- Ladislav Hluchy: SPEEch on the griD (SPEED)
- Robert Lovas: Science gateway primer
- Sergio Andreozzi: Scientific Publications Repository
- Sara Coelho (EGI.eu): Inter NGI Usage Report (second phase)
- Gergely Sipos (EGI.eu): Assessing the adoption of Federated Identity Providers within the EGI Community
- Zdenek Sustr (CESNET): MPI within EGI
- NEW: Yannick Legre (Idgrilles) - Environmental & Biodiversity VT
- NEW: Daniele Cesini, Antonio Lagana: New VT in Computational Chemistry
- John Walsh (TCD, Ireland): GPGPU requirements (General-Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units)

Session 2:
- NEW: Ludek Matyska: New VT on ELIXIR ESFRI
- NEW: Ladislav Hluchy: New VT on Fire simulation application integration

  • Steven Newhouse: Future plans
  • Steve Brewer: EGI Champions - establish the process for creating a network of EGI champions
  • Catherine Gater and Sara Coelho: Update on communication materials and activities to the NILs
  • Goncalo Borges: Client Relationship Management system - recent features
  • Discussion

Presentation materials

The timetable has not been filled yet.