19–23 May 2014
Helsinki University, Main Building
Europe/Helsinki timezone

Session Intro and Pay-for-Use Overview

21 May 2014, 16:00
Room 6 (Helsinki University, Main Building)

Room 6

Helsinki University, Main Building


Sy Holsinger (EGI.EU)


This talk will first present the overall goals of the session, which is to provide a high-level overview of the pay-for-use activities, present the business scenarios that are being used to identify the key processes and required tool development, both on a strategic and technical level as well as offer a few real world use cases for participants to understand practical applicability. The Pay-for-Use activity is designed as a “proof of concept” style task force that has a mandate to explore business models for pay-for-use service delivery to couple together with the traditional method of free-at-point-of-use through the definition and execution of a pay-for-use prototype. Participants will come away with a better understanding of the overall concept, motivations and opportunities, work to date, and plans for the future.

Presentation materials