11–14 Apr 2011
Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius
Europe/Vilnius timezone

Software Quality Assurance in EMI

12 Apr 2011, 11:00
Beta (200) (Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius)

Beta (200)

Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius

Oral Presentation Producing & Deploying Technology EMI: Software for Distributed Computing Infrastructures


Maria Pradillo (CERN)


This presentation is a good oportunity to understand how software quality assurance has been implemented within EMI, understanding the procedures, roles and responsibilities involved in the software lifecycle and the monitoring activities carried out to control the quality goals.


Describe the EMI Task SA2.2 which is responsible for defining software quality assurance within EMI. Present the procedures defined to carry out this activity and how to monitor its application within the EMI software lifecycle.

Description of the work

SA2.2 is the task responsible for defining and monitoring the software quality assurance process within the EMI project. One of the documents produced by SA2.2 is the software quality assurance plan which specifies the tasks that are needed to ensure quality, the responsibilities for quality monitoring, the required software component documentation and the procedures that will be followed to manage the software process. In practice the SQAP specifies the manner in which the EMI project is going to achieve its quality goals that are defined in terms of quality factors like usability, maintainability or portability. In order to better describe the software process, a set of guidelines have been also written giving specific details to product teams in various stages of the software lifecycle: integration, configuration, packaging, testing and certification, change management and release management. The process of defining the guidelines has involved experts from the middleware distributions and the other activities within the project. SA2.2 is responsible for managing changes in these guidelines and announcing them to the project members to make sure all product teams are up to date with the documentation governing the software lifecycle. SA2.2 also works very closely with the quality control tasks in JRA1 and SA1. SA2.2 defines the release criteria for the EMI software components that will be checked by the quality control tasks. SA2.2 produces regular periodic reports evaluation the application of the existing procedures and the availability of proper documentation for each software component. This contribution will present the main aspects of the EMI SQAP and will focus on those guidelines related to development, change management and release of software, providing information useful for software developers and testers.


This presentation is interesting for EMI developers and testers. It's also useful for people dealing with software quality assurance who want to understand how we have implemented it in a project like EMI.

Primary author

Presentation materials