11–14 Apr 2011
Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius
Europe/Vilnius timezone

EGI Policy Development BOF Session

13 Apr 2011, 11:00
1h 30m
Epsilon (60) (Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius)

Epsilon (60)

Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius

Workshop Other EGI


Ludek Matyska (CESNET) Sergio ANDREOZZI (EGI.eu)


For the EGI.eu Policy Team – the workshop serves as an opportunity to engage policy makers from EGI participants and external partners, discuss EGI options for ERIC, present the current achievements and future goals, collect information on the activities at the national level, and obtain a better understanding of the current status of those involved and to plan a way forward. For the participants – the workshop offers an occasion to share experiences and best practices, learn how others in the community are organised, engage directly with EGI.eu and reinforce formal communication channels. Participants will also have the chance to engage in a more focused discussion to better understand the opportunity of the ERIC legal framework for the evolution of EGI.

Description of the work

In almost a year of the EGI-InSPIRE project and the establishment of EGI.eu, the Policy Development Team has achieved a number of key activities: 1) establishing policy groups via the definition of Terms of References; 2) formulating a Policy Development Process for the approval of policy and procedures; 3) analysing the potential of an ERIC legal framework for EGI.eu; 4) producing a roadmap for technical standards; 5) drafting a roadmap for integrating virtualisation & cloud into EGI; 6) defining the EGI role within the Europe 2020 strategy; 7) understanding sustainability models for EGI; and 8) negotiating MoUs. It has now come time to formally engage policy makers within EGI participants (e.g. NGIs, EIROs) in regular meetings to be held at EGI community events. The session will start with a brief presentation from the EGI policy development team and outline the result of the NGI structure and policy survey, followed by a discussion. The second presentation will show the results of a questionnaire dealing with the EGI suitability for the ERIC organisational and legal framework sent to members of the EGI Council, also followed by dedicated discussion.


This first EGI Policy Workshop will focus on the results of two recently surveys conducted with the NGIs and EIROs through the EGI Council. The first survey was to directly engage the community and start a flow of communication regarding key policy issues, obtain updates on NGI legal and organisational status and understand the most pressing issues around sustainability moving into the future. The second focused on understanding the viewpoints about the suitability of the ERIC legal framework for the evolution of EGI. The session will also provide an opportunity to showcase a number achievements through the EGI policy activities performed at both national and international levels. The target audience is policy makers from EGI participants and external partners; nevertheless, anyone with genuine interest in policy matters for e-Infrastructures is welcome.

The target audience is policy makers from EGI participants (e.g., NGIs, EIROs) and external partners; nevertheless, anyone with genuine interest in policy matters for e-Infrastructures is welcome.




This workshop and the information obtained is planned to be reviewed at future meetings at EGI events in order to monitor progress and changes, which will be officially updated on a yearly basis in the EGI Annual Report.

EGI Policy: Year 1 Achievements / NGI/EIRO Survey Results (Sergio Andreozzi, 20', 11-11:20)
Open questions and discussion (20', 11:20-11:40)
Intro to ERIC and Survey Report (Ludek Matyska, 15', 11:45-12)
Open discussion on ERIC (30', 12-12:30)

Primary authors


Presentation materials