24–26 Sept 2014
CWI Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

GRNET Cloud Services and Collaborations

25 Sept 2014, 10:05
Turingzaal (CWI Conference Centre)


CWI Conference Centre


Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET) Panos Louridas (GRNET)


GRNET has been active in european e-infrastructure collaborations for more than 10 years to date. In the area of Grid computing, it has been active in all EGEE-series projects, and now in EGI-InSPIRE and beyond. In networking, it has long been a key partner in the GEANT projects. In cloud computing it has developed and operates its own cloud infrastructure, offering Infrastructure as a Service to the Greek research and academic community. Recently these different strands have been coming together. In EGI-InSPIRE, GRNET is working towards bridging the world of grids and clouds; in cloud computing, it expands its collaborations in Europe; in GEANT, it leads the Cloud Integration task of the Support to Clouds activity. Here we will give a short presentation of the cloud services and activities offered by GRNET in both EGI inspire and GN3+, including our plans for the future.

Primary author

Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET)


Panos Louridas (GRNET)

Presentation materials