18–22 May 2015
Europe/Lisbon timezone
Engaging the Research Community towards an Open Science Commons

Technical Computing as a Service in the Cloud

21 May 2015, 09:55
Grande Auditório (ISCTE-IUL)

Grande Auditório



Wolfgang Gentzsch (UberCloud)


The benefits for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of using technical computing within their design and development processes can be huge. However, the majority of SMEs perform virtual prototyping just on their desktop computers. But because of the limitations of these systems, many companies can't solve more sophisticated application problems. Therefore, most of these companies have a real need for additional computing power. We will discuss two major options: buying an in-house server or using cloud computing. Both come with great benefits, but also with challenges. We will present an overview of the status and trend of technical computing in the Cloud and will look at reasons why we believe acceptance of technical computing in the Cloud will strongly increase in the next few years. Finally, we will look at how the UberCloud Experiments accelerate user acceptance for cloud computing, and close with a few real-life hands-on case studies.

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