11:00 AM
The EGI Federated Cloud: Status and Plans
Enol Fernandez
11:20 AM
The word to the users: showcasing the fedcloud use cases
Diego Scardaci
11:30 AM
Lightning talk: WLCG experiments in the EGI FedCloud through VAC/VCycle
Cristovao Cordeiro
11:35 AM
Lightning talk: The genome analysis and protein folding VT (GAPF)
Afonso Duarte
11:40 AM
Lightning talk: Chipster - tools for Next Generation Sequencing in the EGI Federated Cloud
Mattila Kimmo
11:45 AM
Lightning talk: LOFAR - Calibration, Analysis and Modelling of Radio-Astronomy Data
Daniele Lezzi
(Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
11:50 AM
Lightning talk: ENG use cases in the EGI FedCloud: SCIDIP-ES HAPPI and INERTIA
Giampaolo Fiorentino
Pietro Fragnito
11:55 AM
VM management capabilities
Boris Parak
12:05 PM
Object storage capabilities
Enol Fernandez
12:15 PM
VM Image Management with AppDB
Marios Chatziangelou