May 18 – 22, 2015
Europe/Lisbon timezone
Engaging the Research Community towards an Open Science Commons

Keynote speakers


Overview of keynote speakers

Monday, 18


Jorge GOMES, LIP and Isabel CAMPOS, CSIC

Tiziana FERRARI,


Alexandre BONVIN, WeNMR

Tuesday, 19

Brett FRISCHMANN, Cardozo Law School



Bruce Becker, SAGrid
, EC
Sami Niinimäki, Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland
Wainer Lusoli, EC

Wednesday, 20

Natalia MANOLA, UoA




Thursday, 21



Wolfgang GENTZSCH, UberCloud 




Photo credit: Ed van Rijswijk

Alexandre Bonvin

Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht University

Title: A Competence Center to Serve Translational Research from Molecule to Brain

Session: Monday, 13:30 : Research Infrastructures roadmaps and Competence Centres

Abstract: The MoBrain Competence Center of EGI-Engage aims at building transversal and vertical connections between techniques, researchers and clinicians to provide them with an optimal e-Science toolbox to tackle societal challenges related to health. It builds on grid- and cloud-based infrastructures and on the existing expertise available within WeNMR ( and N4U ( in order to serve its user communities, related ESFRI projects (e.g. INSTRUCT) and, in the long term, the Human Brain Project (FET Flagship). By integrating molecular structural biology and medical imaging services and data, MoBrain will kick-start the development of a larger, integrated, global science virtual research environment for life and brain scientists worldwide. The mini-projects defined in MoBrain are geared toward facilitating this overall objective, each with specific objectives to reinforce existing services, develop new solutions and pave the path to a global competence center and virtual research environment for translational research from molecule to brain. (Photo credit: Ed van Rijswijk)


Brett Frischmann

Professor and Director of the Intellectual Property and Information Law, Cardozo Law School

Title: Governing Infrastructure and Knowledge Commons

Session: Tuesday, 9:00 : Morning Plenary

Abstract: Frischmann will present his interdisciplinary research on commons. Commons are resource management/governance institutions that enable sustainable shared use of certain resources within a community. Frischmann will discuss his two recent books, Infrastructure: The Social Value of Shared Resources (OUP 2012) and Governing Knowledge Commons (OUP 2014), and their relevance to open science commons.

Bruce Becker

National Coordinator at the South African National Grid (SAGrid)

Title: National integrated cyberinfrastructure system as an open commons in South Africa

SessionTuesday, 15:30 : Open Science Commons session


Christoph Steinbeck

Head of Cheminformatics and Metabolism, EBI-EMBL

Title: PhenoMeNal - computing with big data in clinical phenotyping

Session: Wednesday, 9:00 : Morning Plenary

Abstract: In the coming decade a significant number of Europeans will have their genomes determined, complemented with metabolomes of biofluids linking the genotype with data on the phenome and exposome of patients. Molecular Phenotyping data with personal genomes will be the key towards a truly personalized medicine, taking into account individual genomics, lifestyle, exercise status and nutrition of people. This will pose dramatic demands on data management and compute capabilities in Europe, as the amount of data generated by molecular phenotyping exceeds the data volume of personal genomes by an order of magnitude. The PhenoMeNal project described here will develop an integrated, secure, permanent, on-demand service-driven, privacy-compliant and sustainable e-infrastructure for the processing, analysis and information-mining of the large amount of medical molecular phenotyping and genotyping data generated by metabolomics applications now entering research and clinic.


Daniele Bailo

EPOS e-Infrastructure WG Chair, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy)

Title: The EPOS e-Infrastructure: metadata driven integration of data products and services in solid Earth Science

Session: Monday, 15:30 : Research Infrastructures roadmaps and Competence Centres

Abstract: The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is an ambitious long term integration plan addressing the major solid-earth research infrastructures in Europe. For its large scale and extent it is a unique initiative which will foster new scientific discoveries and enable scientists to investigate the solid earth system with unprecedented ways. A key aspect of EPOS is to provide end-users with homogeneous access to services and multidisciplinary data collected by monitoring infrastructures and experimental facilities as well as access to software, processing and visualization tools. The service archicture in EPOS envisages a main system, the ICS, integrating data and services provided by communities through the Thematic Core Services (TCS). TCS according to their level of maturity will build new interoperable services or make existing services interoperable with ICS through the use of software interfaces allowing the interchange of metadata with the ICS. The presentation will introduce the technical achievements of the EPOS preparatory phase and the plan for the implementation phase.

Eric Yen

Associate research scientist, TWGRID

Title: e-Science for the Masses: Asia Pacific Regional Collaborations on Disaster Mitigation

Session: Monday, 15:30 : Research Infrastructures roadmaps and Competence Centres

Abstract: By means of e-Science resources and collaboration framework, the Disaster Mitigation Competence Centre (DMCC) is aiming to improve strategy of prevention and reduction of disasters. Three categories of regional focused hazards are targeted, which include the earthquake and tsunami, extreme weather and environmental changes. DMCC will create virtual research environments with embedded services and simulations that enable the sharing of disaster-related data, tools, applications and knowledge among field-workers, scientists, and e-infrastructure experts, shortening the time to respond to natural disasters. Through the DMCC, for example, potential tsunami sources would be spotted for better preparedness. Understanding of multi-scale nature of tropical cyclones for generating local heavy rainfall events is improved. Impact analysis capability of urban heat island effect on precipitation will be built up. In the end, the regional e-Infrastructure offerings to data and knowledge services and simulation services for disaster mitigation are much enhanced.

Giacinto Donvito

INDIGO-DataCloud Technical Coordinator, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)

Title: INDIGO-DataCloud: INtegrating Distributed data Infrastructures for Global ExplOitation

Session: Wednesday, 9:00 : Morning Plenary

Abstract: INDIGO-DataCloud (INtegrating Distributed data Infrastructures for Global ExplOitation), a proposal approved in January 2015 within the EINFRA1 call of the Horizon2020 framework program of the European Community, aims at developing a data/computing platform targeting scientific communities, deployable on multiple hardware and provisioned over hybrid (private or public) einfrastructures. This talk will show the technology gaps identified by INDIGO and describe how INDIGO is going to develop and deliver software components allowing execution of applications on Cloud and Grid based infrastructures, as well as on HPC clusters. The project will extend existing PaaS (Platform as a Service) solutions, allowing public and private einfrastructures, including those provided by EGI, EUDAT, PRACE and Helix Nebula, to integrate their existing services and make them available through AAI services compliant with GEANT’s interfederation policies, thus guaranteeing transparency and trust in the provisioning of such services.

Ingemar Häggeström

Senior Scientist, EISCAT Scientific Association

Title: Roadmap for incoherent scatter radar operations

Session: Monday, 15:30 : Research Infrastructures roadmaps and Competence Centres

Abstract: The reason that the radar facilities exist in the first place is to provide scientists with the means to perform observations and experiments as part of a wide range of research activities. Six areas of collaborative efforts have been identified and these are: Data levels; Access; Standard operations; Non-standard operations; Training and education; and Outreach. We will present the main trends within these and how we will benefit of the work to be done within the EGI EISCAT_3D Competence Centre to solve the scientific needs identified by the roadmap.

Jesus Marco de Lucas

Investigador at Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria and LifeWatch Research Infrastructure

Title: Challenges in the EGI-LifeWatch Competence Center

Session: Monday, 13:30 : Research Infrastructures roadmaps and Competence Centres

Abstract: This presentation will introduce the audience to the technical service archicture in LifeWatch and how the Competence Centre activities will faciliate the adoption and evolution of technologies and services supported and provided by EGI.


Jorge Gomes & Isabel Campos


Title: IBERGRID's role and strategy for the support of the national research roadmaps

Session: Monday, 11:00 - Opening Plenary



José Cotta

Head of Unit for Digital Science, Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT) Directorate-General of the EC

Title: Open Science Policies and Roadmap

Session: Tuesday, 11:00 : Open Science Commons session

Abstract: This presentation will introduce the audience the European Commissions policies and initiatives fostering the adoption and implementation Open Science in Europe.


Mark Parsons

Research Data Alliance Secretary General

Title: Open data is not enough—building a functional data infrastructure

Session: Thursday, 9:00 : Morning plenary

Abstract: In recent years governments and research institutions have emphasized the need for open data as a fundamental component of open science. But we need much more than the data themselves for them to be reusable and useful. We need descriptive and machine-readable metadata, of course, but we also need the software and the algorithms necessary to fully understand the data. We need the standards and protocols that allow us to easily read and analyze the data with the tools of our choice. We need to be able to trust the source and derivation of the data. In short, we need an interoperable data infrastructure, but it must be a flexible infrastructure able to work across myriad cultures, scales, and technologies. This talk will present a concept of infrastructure as a body of human, organisational, and machine relationships built around data. It will illustrate how a new organization, the Research Data Alliance, is working to build those relationships to enable functional data sharing and reuse.


Massimo Cocco

Coordinator of the European Plate observince System, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

Title: Challenges and oportunities of the Commons in EPOS

Session: Tuesday, 13:30 : Open Science Commons

Abstract: This presentation will showcase the opportunities and challenges for the implementation of the Commons in the service infrastructure of EPOS. The talk will present how the Commons principles affect the service procurement, the access policies, the business models and the governance of a large pan-European Research Infrastructure.

Natalia Manola

Research Associate, University of Athens

Title: Text mining: the next data frontier. An infrastructural approach

Session: Wednesday, 9:00 : Morning plenary

Abstract: Recent years witness an upsurge in the quantities of digital research data, offering new insights and opportunities for improved understanding. Text and data mining is emerging as a powerful tool for harnessing the power of structured and unstructured content and data, by analysing them at multiple levels and in several dimensions to discover hidden and new knowledge. However, text mining solutions are not easy to discover and use, nor are they easily combinable by end users. OpenMinTeD aspires to enable the creation of an infrastructure that fosters and facilitates the discovery and use of text mining technologies and interoperable services. It examines several use cases identified by experts from different scientific areas, ranging from generic scholarly communication to literature related to life sciences, food and agriculture, and social sciences and humanities. OpenMinTeD text mining tools, services and associated resources will run on the cloud, requiring an in-depth optimization of service deployment and execution via scalable VM-based service distribution and use of distributed storage.


Petr Holub

Senior IT/Data Protection Manager, BBMRI

Title: Biobanking and Biomolecular Resource Infrastructure

Session: Monday, 13:30 : Research Infrastructures roadmaps and Competence Centres

Abstract: Providing high-quality samples and data for biomedial research is one of the key challenges the science is currently facing.  BBMRI-ERIC, a European Research Infrastructure Consortium on Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources, strives to establish, operate, and further developing a pan-European distributed research infrastructure of high-quality biobanks and biomolecular resources. The talk will provide an overview of the BBMRI-ERIC, while focusing in more detail on the IT aspects of the infrastructure. The major challenges will be discussed such as privacy and security, heterogeneity, various degrees of completeness, and overall volumes of the data. The talk will also provide overview of existing and upcoming services, for which interaction with distributed computing, storage and middleware infrastructure is of high relevance.


Rafael Jimenez

Technical coordinator, ELIXIR Hub

Title: ELIXIR's service deployment phase: Starting the implementation of the European life-science infrastructure for biological information

Session: Monday, 13:30 : Research Infrastructures roadmaps and Competence Centres

Abstract: At the core of ELIXIR's strategy is the recognition that large-scale data management in the life sciences is not limited to a few sites. A European data infrastructure must be able to cope with the aggregation, annotation and integration of data from thousands of laboratories as well as scaling these data-services to millions of users worldwide. ELIXIR has progressed through a long preparatory and interim phase, which included gaining the support of national and European funders, as well as coordinating the efforts from more than 120 institutions involved in the provision of bioinformatics services. In 2015 ELIXIR moves into its Service Deployment Phase. In this talk I will explain how ELIXIR will start to implement this part of the ELIXIR programme and how important it is for ELIXIR to collaborate with communities and other research infrastructures in order to build effective, coordinated services for users.

Sami Niinimäki

Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland

Title: Finnish Open Science and Research Initiative 2014-2017

Session: Tuesday, 16:00 : Open Science Commons session

Abstract: The Finnish Open Science and Research Initiative initiative set to increase the quality and competitiveness of Finland’s research and innovation system. By increasing openness in research, we will simultaneously be improving reliability, transparency, and the impact of research. Openness also creates opportunities to participate in scientific advancement, and enables easier and more effective utilisation of research results. Promoting open science and research requires not only extensive involvement from the research community, but also cooperation and coordination, internalising new ways of working, and developments in research environments, researcher services and research infrastructures. Openness within research infrastructures will be pursued when it is legally and contractually possible.


Sean Hill

Co-Director of the Blue Brain Project (BBP) and co-Director of Neuroinformatics in the Human Brain Project (HBP)

Title: The Human Brain Project (HBP): An Overview

Session: Thursday, 9:00 : Morning Plenary

Abstract: Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Such an understanding will lead to fundamentally new computing technologies, transform the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases, and provide profound insights into our humanity. The goal of the HBP is to pull together all our existing knowledge about the human brain and to reconstruct the brain, piece by piece, in supercomputer-based models and simulations. The models offer the prospect of a new understanding of the human brain and its diseases and of completely new computing and robotic technologies. The HBP infrastructure will consist of a tightly linked network of six ICT platforms, which will operate as a resource both for core HBP research and for external projects, chosen by competitive call. The HBP will drive innovation in ICT, creating new technologies for interactive supercomputing, visualization and big data analytics; federated analysis of globally distributed data; simulation of the brain and other complex systems; objective classification of disease; scalable and configurable neuromorphic computing systems, based on the brain’s principles of computation and cognition and its architectures.


Sergio Andreozzi

Strategy & Policy Manager,

Title: Developing an Open Science Commons

Session: Tuesday, 9:00 : Morning Plenary

Abstract: Open science refers to the opening of the creation and dissemination of scholarly knowledge towards a multitude of stakeholders, from professional researchers to citizens. This has become a high priority concept in the agenda of policy makers and research organisations, and we need to understand what are the implications for those serving science. Opening the process of creation and dissemination of science requires changes in the way resources are shared and governed. There is clear evidence that that such resources (e.g., physical, digital, intellectual) could generate the best value when managed as commons. The goal of this presentation is to explain how this can be achieved and provide a view on how infrastructure resources needed to support open science can be integrated into an open science commons.


Sergio Bertolucci

Director for Research and Computing, CERN

Title: CERN support initiatives for Open Science

Session: Tuesday, 11:00 : Open Science Commons

Abstract: This presentation will introduce the scientific and computing challenges that CERN will face in the next decade and how through these, CERN will contribute to the realization of Open Science.


Sverker Holmgren

Chair, European e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG)

Title: The European e-Infrastructure Commons

Session: Tuesday, 13:30 : Open Science Commons session

Abstract: The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) consists of delegates appointed by European member states, associated countries and the EC. The group provides recommendations to its members covering the whole domain of e-infrastructures. In the e-IRG White Paper 2013, e-IRG describes the European e-Infrastructure Commons as the future framework for providing the technological and administrative framework for an easy and cost-effective shared use of European distributed electronic resources for research. An essential feature of the Commons is the provisioning of a constantly evolving but clearly defined, comprehensive, interoperable and sustained set of services, provisioned by several e-Infrastructure providers to fulfil specific needs of the users. This set should be minimal in the sense that all services are explicitly motivated by user needs and that any overlap of services are thoroughly motivated. The Commons should provide a platform for coordination, provisioning of sustainable and interoperable e-infrastructure services, and innovation projects.


Tiziana Ferrari Technical Director, Project Director of EGI-Engage

Title: EGI-Engage: towards an Open Science Commons

Session: Monday, 11:00 - Opening Plenary

Abstract: This presentation publicly launches EGI-Engage for the first time. We will explain how EGI-Engage - an EC action funded in H2020 WP 2014-2015 - will push the boundaries of EGI and European e-Infrastructures in general by implementing a number of strategic big shifts.
(full abstract)

Wainer Lusoli

Policy Officer at the European Commission

Title: European Open Science Cloud Initiative

Session: Tuesday, 11:20 : Open Science Commons session


Wolfgang Gentzsch

Co-Founder and President of the UberCloud

Title: Technical Computing as a Service in the Cloud

Session: Thursday, 9:00 : Morning Plenary

Abstract: The benefits for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of using technical computing within their design and development processes can be huge. However, the majority of SMEs perform virtual prototyping just on their desktop computers. But because of the limitations of these systems, many companies can't solve more sophisticated application problems. Therefore, most of these companies have a real need for additional computing power. We will discuss two major options: buying an in-house server or using cloud computing. Both come with great benefits, but also with challenges. We will present an overview of the status and trend of technical computing in the Cloud and will look at reasons why we believe acceptance of technical computing in the Cloud will strongly increase in the next few years. Finally, we will look at how the UberCloud Experiments accelerate user acceptance for cloud computing, and close with a few real-life hands-on case studies.