18–22 May 2015
Europe/Lisbon timezone
Engaging the Research Community towards an Open Science Commons


He have two tutorials scheduled for the EGI Conference week:


Security training: 18 May - 13:30-17:00

The tutorial is aimed to illustrate basic principles of cyber attacks. The participants will take the role of an attacker and will be tasked with penetrating a remote machine and abuse it for an illicit activity.

The training will be performed in a contained environment and participants will be provided with dedicated sandboxes. The session will be organized as a Capture the Flag game where attendees are required to find a hidden flag to proceed to the next level.

To register for the (free) training, fill the registration form (also with more information). 15 places available.


FitSM Foundation Training and Certification - Standards for lightweight IT Service Management: 21 May - 11:30-17:00, and exam on the following day

More information

To register for the (free) training, send a message to express interest