18–22 May 2015
Europe/Lisbon timezone
Engaging the Research Community towards an Open Science Commons

DARIAH technology platform on the EGI Federated Cloud


Dr Giuseppe La Rocca (INFN) Roberto Barbera (University of Catania and INFN)


In the last decade excellent Science has become more and more possible with e-Infrastructure. However, although various research domains, such as Medicine, Chemistry, and Physics, have already made extensive use of e-Infrastructure services’ potential, others such as Arts and Humanities are not yet exploiting them at the same pace. To bridge this gap, the EGI DARIAH Competence Centre (CC) aims to provide a wider and more efficient access to, and use of, e-Infrastructures such as the European Grid Infrastructure and the EGI Federated Cloud by the members of the European digital research infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities. All the outcomes of the EGI DARIAH CC project will be disseminated to DARIAH-EU through the DARIAH Virtual Competency Centre no. 1 (VCC1) “e-Infrastructures”, which will take appropriate means to support and maintain the results. In this presentation we will outline the objective of the DARIAH CC and the proposed architecture of its platform.

Presentation materials