18–22 May 2015
Europe/Lisbon timezone
Engaging the Research Community towards an Open Science Commons

“D4Science: Opening data infrastructures to boost education and knowledge ”


Pasquale Pagano (CNR - ISTI)


World-renowned leading research institutes (e.g. ICES, IRD, FAO,) as well as Universities (e.g. Sorbonne University and University of Kiel) organise courses, workshop and hands-on meetings on topics related to the marine domain. The aim of these activities is to help scientists, at various stages of their careers, in acquiring necessary competences on topics related to stock assessment, oceanography and ecosystem approach to fisheries. Experiences performed by exploiting the D4Science data infrastructure in this context show that such kind of infrastructures can strongly facilitate domain knowledge brokerage and acquisition of expertise in a cost effective way. The presentation will illustrate the D4Science mechanisms that help these processes and will present the feedback received so far.

Presentation materials