Alexandre Bonvin
(eNMR/WeNMR (via Dutch NGI))
The MoBrain Competence Center of EGI-Engage aims at building transversal and vertical connections between techniques, researchers and clinicians to provide them with an optimal e-Science toolbox to tackle societal challenges related to health. It builds on grid- and cloud-based infrastructures and on the existing expertise available within WeNMR (www.wenmr.eu) and N4U (neugrid4you.eu) in order to serve its user communities, related ESFRI projects (e.g. INSTRUCT) and, in the long term, the Human Brain Project (FET Flagship). By integrating molecular structural biology and medical imaging services and data, MoBrain will kick-start the development of a larger, integrated, global science virtual research environment for life and brain scientists worldwide. The mini-projects defined in MoBrain are geared toward facilitating this overall objective, each with specific objectives to reinforce existing services, develop new solutions and pave the path to a global competence center and virtual research environment for translational research from molecule to brain. (Photo credit: Ed van Rijswijk).