18–22 May 2015
Europe/Lisbon timezone
Engaging the Research Community towards an Open Science Commons

iSPHERE – A New Approach to Collaborative Research and Cloud Computing for Planetary Science and Experimental Plasma Physics


Tarek Al-Ubaidi (IWF-OeAW)


The presentation will introuduce the iSPHERE’s planned integration of cloud computing resources for Planetary Science and Experimental Plasma Physics, and how these will benefit scientific modeling teams by providing a reliable and web based environment for cloud based model execution, storage of results, and comparison with measurements, including fully web based tools for data mining, analysis and visualization. Also the envisioned creation of a dedicated data model for experimental plasma physics will be discussed. It will be shown why the Scientific Service Bus provides an ideal basis to integrate a number of data models and communication protocols and to provide mechanisms for data exchange across multiple and even multidisciplinary platforms.

Presentation materials