18–22 May 2015
Europe/Lisbon timezone
Engaging the Research Community towards an Open Science Commons

EGI-Engage: towards an Open Science Commons

18 May 2015, 11:50
Grande Auditório (ISCTE-IUL)

Grande Auditório



Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)


This presentation publicly launches EGI-Engage for the first time. We will explain how EGI-Engage - an EC action funded in H2020 WP 2014-2015 - will push the boundaries of EGI and European e-Infrastructures in general by implementing a number of strategic big shifts. In EGI-Engage community engagement for the first time reaches out to eight new international research collaborations supporting the ESFRI roadmap and it embraces a completely new organization in user support: the Distributed Competence Centre, which sees the participation of EGI participants, user communities and technologies. EGI will reinforce its business engagement by enabling the big data value in a number of disciplinary areas. The technical roadmap will advance through the development of an Open Data Platform that brings federated open data and grid and cloud computing together for scalable big data access. Through EGI-Engage EGI will accelerate the implementation of the Digital ERA by advancing towards an Open Science Commons, the vision through which: "Researchers from all disciplines have easy, integrated and open access to the advanced digital services, scientific instruments, data, knowledge and expertise they need to collaborate and achieve excellence in science, research and innovation. They feel engaged in governing, managing and preserving these resources for everyone’s benefit, with the support of all stakeholders".

Presentation materials