18–22 May 2015
Europe/Lisbon timezone
Engaging the Research Community towards an Open Science Commons


Business Track: Intro, Opportunities and Innovation Chain

21 May 2015, 11:00


Avª das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal


Business Track: Intro, Opportunities and Innovation Chain

  • Sy Holsinger (EGI.EU)


EGI is focused on supporting SMEs and the full innovation chain between business and academia to create opportunities of economic impact through open data generated and the technical services both offered and required to support research and innovation.

The EGI Conference Business Track comprises 5 sessions over Thursday and Friday and is designed to bring business, academia and policy makers together to better understand the concrete examples currently available for immediate benefit, and investigate future opportunities through joint collaborations.

Presentations will provide participants with various aspects of innovation value chains, high-level/European initiatives supporting research and SME engagement, commercial organisations as both providers and consumers of services through use cases and collaborations, as well as examples of fostering reuse of open data and open services.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
21/05/2015, 12:20
Building timetable...