Platforms for citizen science
- Fermin Serrano (University of Zaragoza)
- Sy Holsinger (EGI.EU)
This session presents platforms and use cases of citizen science to scientific communities of EGI covering the wide range of potential capabilities such as desktop computing and pattern recognition, from biodiversity to digital social sciences and humanities. The outcomes expected vary from “in reach” activities towards policy roadmapping.
This session is aimed at policy makers, platform developers and any initiative and community supporting citizen science.
Fermín Serrano Sanz
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
19/05/2015, 15:50
Emmanouela Panteri
(Hellenic Centre for Marine Research)
19/05/2015, 16:20
The number of the Citizen Science projects has been constantly rising the latest years, all over the world. New tools for disseminating information and fast and easy internet access are the reasons why citizen scientists are now contributing more and more to projects on environmental monitoring or conservation biology and ecology. Three citizen science projects, have recently been initiated by...
Robert Lovas
19/05/2015, 16:35
Volunteer or crowd computing initiatives across not only Europe but world-wide have already established production level infrastructures which serve a wide range of research communities including life sciences, linguistics, mathematics, etc. Such projects allow research and education organisations, as well as individuals and citizen scientists, to contribute actively and participate in...