Operations Management Board (Moved up)

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Bianca Neagu(NGI_RO)
Andrzej Zemla (NGI_PL)
Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF/Security)
Ionut Vasile (NGI_RO)
Alessandro Paolini (EGI Foundation)
Dave Kelsey (STFC/Security)
Peter  Solagna (EGI Foundation)
Vincenzo Spinoso
Luis Alves (CSC/NGI_FI)
Jeremy Coles (NGI_UK)
Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET)
Christos (GRNET)
Linda Cornwall (STFC)
Emir Imamagic (SRCE)
Vincenzo Spinoso (EGI Foundation/INFN)
Cyril L'Orphelin (NGI_FRANCE)
Joerg Schaarschmidt (UU)
George Ryall (STFC -GOCDB)
Ian Neilson - STFC
Mikael Trellet (UU)
Ionut Vasile (NGI_RO)


Peter Solagna provided information about some topics:

  • The INDIGO project first release and staged rollout process
  • A proposal implemented by GOCDB for paging of the API results.
  • DIRAC testing update

[Action NGIs] NGIs using the GOCDB API should assess if their use is compatible with the new developments available in the test instance.

[Action on Operations]: Produce information about INDIGO long term support plans.

[Action on Operations]: Gather information about best practices for the users who are transitioning from WMS to DIRAC

Securty certification of resource centres

Sven Gabriel and David Kelsey.

CSIRT is proposing some small changes in the procedure of certification for what concerns security tests. After the changes in the monitoring infrastructure is not possible to manually add non-certified sites to security monitoring. The proposal is to install pakiti clients in at least one worker node in the site to inform CSIRT about the installed packages in the system, circumventing in this way the lack of automatized security monitoring.

See slides for more details.

No major objections during the meeting.

[Action NGIs]: Discuss the CSIRT proposal with sites and ROD staff. If no objections are raised before the end of the month the procedure changes will become operational.

Acceptable authentication assurance

David Kelsey.

Peter Solagna presented the previous OMB the new verision of the policy that regulates the acceptable level of assurance for user authentication, including the changes to accept the IOTA certification authorities.

David summarized during the meeting the policy and proposed for approval.

OMB approved the policy.

Summary of OTAG on monitoring.

Christos Kanellopoulos.

Christos presented a summary of the ARGO plans reported at the OTAG meeting on Monday, and the details of the main topic of discussion: the ARGO proposal to extend GOCDB information to be the only source of information for monitoring.

Please, see the document attached to the agenda for more details.

[Action NGIs]: the proposal has an impact on the site managers and therefore NGIs should discuss this proposal with their sites and staff, and provide feedback to operations@egi.eu and argo@mailman.egi.eu.

The plan is to re-discuss the proposal and plan during Novermber OMB, and move on with the needed developments and the initial interim testing period. If there will be no objections from NGIs.

Peter Solagna reported that the rt.egi.eu tool is being updated to accomodate requirements for the ARGO tool.

MoBrain services to enable access to GPGPU

Joerg Schaarschmidt.

Joerg presented the MoBrain portals and applications that use GPGPU resources through HTC interfaces (CREAM CE). The solution is currently using the developments implemented in EGI-Engage project, but not yet released in UMD.

Peter Solagna commented that if there are more sites interested in offering GPGPU through grid interfaces, they could join the test and offer some resources to MoBrain.

Update from fedcloud operations and CMD

Vincenzo Spinoso.

Vincenzo reported about the status of Fedcloud operations and release in CMD.

Please, check slides for more details.


Cyril reported about the changes in the downtime notification. To subscribe to downtimes users must go to the page:




There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 AM 10:10 AM
      Introduction 10m
      Speaker: Peter Solagna (EGI.eu)
    • 10:10 AM 10:30 AM
      Security certification of resource centres 20m
      Speakers: Daniel Kouril (CESNET), Dr Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF)
    • 10:30 AM 10:40 AM
      For approval: Acceptable authentication assurance 10m
      Speakers: David Kelsey (STFC), Peter Solagna (EGI.eu)
    • 10:40 AM 11:00 AM
      Summary of OTAG on monitoring 20m
      Speaker: Christos Kanellopoulos (GRNET)
      ARGO proposal
    • 11:00 AM 11:15 AM
      MoBrain services to enable access to GPGPU resources 15m
      Speaker: Joerg Schaarschmidt (Utrecht University)
    • 11:15 AM 11:35 AM
      Update from fedcloud operations and CMD 20m
      Speaker: Vincenzo Spinoso (INFN)
    • 11:35 AM 11:50 AM
      AOB 15m